Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


„So what you're saying is that you were watching me even before we met?" Yoongi asked raising a questioning eyebrow.

Jimin chuckled awkwardly before nodding. "Yeah. I noticed you the summer a year before we met. You would sit by the shore all the time and I was super curious as to why. But I never really managed to gather the courage to talk to you."

Yoongi looked seriously surprised. "That's kind of creepy and cute at the same time."

Jimin laughed, his eyes forming slits. "Sorry."

He grabbed Yoongi's hand. "And then you fell into the water but seemed to struggle with getting back to the surface. And I was worried. So I got closer and you looked so scared and panicked... I couldn't just leave you there." Jimin admitted. "So I saved you. And then you asked me to come with you... and I was so... I don't know... happy that I was pretty much forced to talk to you. Because I honestly don't think I would have done it on my own."

"I'm kind of happy about that." Yoongi chuckled, interlinking their fingers. "And you can just change your tail into human feet? Is that normal? No the little mermaid deal? You didn't lose your voice?" When Jimin had a huge as question mark on his face, Yoongi chuckled. "I guess we have a movie we need to watch. Anyways... you can just change your appearance?"

Jimin nodded. "Mermaids can do a bit of shapeshifting. Not too much but some rather basic ones."

The look in Yoongi's eyes was totally worth the revelation. He seemed a bit impressed but mainly confused.

"What's some basic ones?"

"We can change our body to fit the water better, change color of our tail, hair and skin... And we can change our body to look human. I also could change my face to look more appealing to whoever I talk to." Yoongi quickly shook his head. "No, don't do that... that's your normal face right?"

The edges of Jimin's lips curled up. "Yeah, it is. My normal face and body... Just the legs aren't really natural."

Biting his lip Yoongi eyed Jimin body up and down. "That's so weird."

Jimin chuckled. "Sorry. The fact that I like you is real tho?"

Yoongi's features softened. "I know."

Jimin leant in to kiss Yoongi, who let it happen and kissed him back, his arms finding their place around Jimin's waist.

"Give me a couple of days to get used to the thought... but honestly I'm okay with this. Pretty shocked, but okay."

Leaning back onto the bed Jimin nodded, closing his eyes. "I can live with that. Come cuddle. I'm still as needy for affection."



Sorry for taking longer to update but there is more thinking I have to do now while updating a chapter😭😂

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