Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


Yoongi chuckled awkwardly as they entered the small bathroom. He'd been brave enough to ask Jimin whether he could come with him but now that he did, he felt the smallest bit of bravery leave his body. He felt like chickening out.

Jimin on the other hand seemed more than comfortable as he squatted down and started filling the bathtub with water. It had been a while since he'd taken a bath here, due to the fact that he was aware that it always added a lot to Yoongi's bill.

When he turned back around he burst out laughing at how tense Yoongi looked. He quickly walked over to him. "Are you sure you'll survive this? You look like you might forget to breathe any second."

Pressing his lips into a thin line Yoongi looked to the side. "Of course I'm nervous... we're taking a bath together."

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked yet." Jimin said, causing Yoongi's brain to fail him when he pulled his hoodie over his chest, revealing his upper body.

It took Yoongi a couple of seconds to gather himself again. "When did I see you naked?"

Jimin walked over to him and Yoongi couldn't stop himself from looking down. Jimin was way too well built. He felt ridiculous in comparison with his thin arms and awkward stomach. Not that Yoongi was complaining about Jimin's body. It was his own body that bothered him.

Surprisingly Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi and stood up on his tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips. "When we first met. I pulled you out of the water and you were super embarrassed because I wasn't wearing anything."

Yoongi said nothing, just staring at Jimin, feeling color rush to his face.

Jimin laughed, the sound being warm and sweet. "I swear, why am I the bottom in this relationship? I think I'd fit the role of the top better."

"Fuck you." Yoongi whined, leaning his head against Jimin's unfairly muscular shoulder. "Maybe you should be the top. I'm a failure as a top anyways."

Jimin groaned and forced Yoongi to lift his head. "You are stupid. You will be an amazing top and you think I'd make a good top? Imma whine about my feet being cold while fucking you. Do you really think that's it?" Jimin said laughing and Yoongi couldn't help but smile.

Without any heads up Jimin dropped his sweats before entirely slipping out of them. And of course he wasn't wearing anything underneath them. Yoongi kept complaining about that bad habit of his, but Jimin always talked back about being too restricted in underwear.

Yoongi tried avoiding looking down, because admittedly he was still feeling embarrassed about this whole thing. Maybe he should have thought about being naked before deciding to ask Jimin if he could join him.

Jimin on the other hand seemed completely comfortable naked. "Do you want me to turn around so you can get undressed too?"

Jimin's voice was teasing but Yoongi really felt the need to take him up on that offer. He decided against it though. This was ridiculous. He still was too embarrassed to get undressed in front of his boyfriend of months.

He grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. He felt soft in comparison to Jimin's toned body.

Jimin on the other hand was looking at him in such awe and with such a happy glint in his eyes that he almost could have believed that his body was something worth looking at. "You're so attractive." Jimin squealed happily, walking over to him and reaching his hands out, before hesitating and looking up at Yoongi. "Is that okay? Can I touch you?"

A bit choked up but trying to be as calm as he could Yoongi nodded and Jimin happily ran his hands over his shoulders, chest, waist and stomach, taking his time with each area and looking at him with so much fondness that he couldn't help but feel a bit better. At least Jimin seemed to like what he saw and felt.

"Do you want me to turn around now? I think one area of your body is enough progress for a day." Jimin suggested, patting one last time at Yoongi's chest, smiling happily.

"No... if we take a bath together you'll see all of it anyways." Yoongi said, hesitating before stepping out of his jeans, just standing there in his underwear.

Taking one last deep breath he pulled his last item of clothing down and instantly felt blood rush to his cheeks when Jimin simply stared at him without any reservation or embarrassment. "It's so weird... up until now I've only seen mine." He glanced down at his own dick before looking back at Yoongi's. "I like yours more."

That was officially the last straw and Yoongi quickly walked over towards the bathtub and hid himself in the foamy water. Jimin was watching him fondly from the side before walking over as well.

"You're super red."

"Fuck off." Yoongi frowned looking away. He felt like his brain was overheating.

"So cute." Not warning him Jimin stepped into the bathtub and simply sat down between Yoongi's legs, making him blush even harder. Jimin skidded back until Yoongi's front was pressed against his back.

He leant back closing his eyes and resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "I wish you'd stop being that tense around me... I'm a virgin too, you know."

Yoongi's eyes widened. "Seriously? You don't seem like it."

"Just because I'm better at relaxing around you, doesn't mean I'm any more experienced than you... I wasn't lying when I said that you were my first kiss either. There are a lot of myths about a mermaid's kiss being something really valuable. I don't know why myself, but even among s... mermaids it's taken really seriously. We don't just kiss someone. When we do we are serious about it." Jimin explained, snuggling into Yoongi. "Usually we chose one partner for a lifetime. We are pretty monogamous creatures. And we trust that one partner with all we have." Jimin continued, closing his eyes and grabbing Yoongi's arms to put them around himself.

Yoongi was stunned to silence when Jimin finished his monologue. "I love you..."

There was a long silence before Yoongi finally awakened from his trance like state. "That's..." He started, almost stuttering. "...I...I love you too."

Jimin giggled happily, playing with some of the bubbles. "I'm glad. I was worried I might get my heart broken."

"No way." Yoongi said, hugging Jimin close to his body and placing pecks all over his neck. "There's no way I'd break your heart."



"Will be together forever and ever?" Jimin turned around looking Yoongi straight into his eyes, his expression soft but serious.

Yoongi hesitated. "It'd be stupid to promise something I don't know for sure but I'll do everything in my power to make that happen."

Jimin smiled widely, leaning in for a warm long kiss, before sitting back up. "Let me wash your hair. I want to."

They spent the remaining time in the tub washing each other's hair, joking around and kissing some more. Yoongi could feel his anxiety melting away. He even forgot he was naked. Jimin's presence just had that effect on him.


For some reason uploading it deleted the author note so I'll write it again.

I absolutly love these two's relationship. I feel like they are pretty damn perfect for each other<3

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