Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


„Ah... that felt great." Jimin left the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel and to his clear disliking, sweatpants around his legs. Yes they felt a lot better than his previous pair of pants, but that didn't change anything about the fact that he hated them with all his being.

"Are you done? Was there enough warm water? Sorry I already showered today so there might not have been that much left..." Yoongi stated, but Jimin shook his head.

"No worries. There was enough."

Yoongi's apartment was more than small. It consisted of only a small bathroom, a kitchen only two people could move in with a bit of difficulty and the bedroom that was packed with a bed, a study desk and one drawer and about one-meter floor to move on.

Aside from that it was pretty shabby, but for some reason it didn't really bother Jimin. The place had a certain feel to it. Maybe it was the way Yoongi had apologized that it was this small but at the same time had seemed so proud of how he was the one owning it.

Yoongi... that was his name. Jimin finally had gotten his chance to ask him.

"Do you want pizza? I could get us some." Jimin didn't really know what he was saying yes to but he nodded anyways.

While Yoongi went back to the kitchen to put the frozen pizza into the oven, Jimin dropped his towel onto the bathroom floor before glancing at the mirror. It had been quite some time since he had looked at such a clear reflection of himself.

He smiled happily running his hands through his hair. He hardly changed at all. His age had gotten a bit more defined maybe, but that was it. He already knew that age was something to look forward to. Unlike with humans his kind tended to become more beautiful with age.

"Jimin! Are you coming?"

"I'm coming." Having one last glance at his reflection he quickly left the room going to Yoongi's room where the other's voice had come from.


Second update today and there will be a third. Fuck waiting I wanna get some stuff done XD

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