Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


It took Jimin another month to finally squeeze what was stressing Yoongi out that much out of the boy.

He finally admitted it after they had run into a group of assholes. Jimin instantly recognized one of the voices as one of the guys that had pushed Yoongi into the water.

They made some off hand comment about whether Yoongi got his clothes from a trash bin. Another asked where the money Yoongi made with his oh so great music was.

Although that had perked Jimin's interest, he was mainly focused on glaring at the three. He didn't fail to notice the way one of them was openly checking him out though.

They let Yoongi go after another couple of insults and Yoongi had to stop Jimin from kicking one of them in the face.

"They are not worth it. Don't bother." But Jimin could tell that their comments had hurt him by the way he hardly said anything on their way back to the beach.

That night he told Jimin everything the boy had to know.

The next day, when Yoongi visited the beach, for the very first time Jimin wasn't anywhere to be found. Yoongi waited for about ten minutes, hoping maybe Jimin was just out of view. Maybe he was trying to set a new record in diving or was exploring a different beach. He was going to be back soon, wasn't he?

All different kinds of scenarios were going through his head, but it didn't take long for his anxiety to grow, the reasons for Jimin's absence turning more and more negative. Maybe he had scared Jimin off by his behavior the day before. Maybe Jimin, who was so proud of how long he could dive, had overestimated himself. Maybe... maybe...

On the other hand, Jimin was wandering around the city. For once dressed appropriately. For the most parts. The only thing that was missing was shoes, but decided it was close enough.

His hair was slowly drying. Just like his clothes. He had put them on without actually using a towel beforehand. More than one person had asked whether he was okay already, and he really hoped that all of this would be dry soon. All the attention was annoying him. They distracted him from his target.

He had spent two hours wandering the streets before spotting who he had been searching for, so there was no way he was going to let him go again. He was following one of the boys from the day before. The one that had checked him out to be precise.

Jimin had never been the one to be the most patient, but this time he had to be. Otherwise he wouldn't get to do what he wanted to.

"Hey." Finally, he was alone. Jimin happily waved at the boy, smiling broadly, clearly confusing the boy. Jimin came to a halt in front of him, his hair that had just been bouncing around framing his face as he beamed at the stranger.

"I saw you yesterday. You remember me?"

The boy furrowed his brows. "Yes?"

"That's great." Jimin's smile turned into a grin. "So you remember checking me out?"

The boy spluttered, making Jimin laugh. Probably didn't even come out yet, poor boy.

"I wanna show you something. Somewhere... more private?" Jimin stepped forward, leaning his body into the boy's at his last words, purposely brushing his hand over the other's crotch. The boy just stared at Jimin for at least a minute before slowly nodding.

The sun was going down by the time they reached the beach. Jimin liked sunsets... he just preferred the night over any other time of the day. When the sea was dark and unfathomable.

Jimin let his hands wander to his shoulders, slowly sliding off the sweater he was wearing. A green one with a Teddy on the front.

He could feel the boy's stare on his back. With a grin on his lips he let the piece of fabric drop to the ground, while turning around, revealing his toned upper body to the boy.

He was well aware. Aware of what kind of effect his body had on humans. Aware that everything about him had exactly one purpose. To draw them in. Making them, his pray, come to him on their own.

Maybe if the boy would have been able to think straight, he would have taken a step back from the situation. Asked himself if he really wanted this. Would have questioned Jimin's motives.

But he wasn't in his right mind. Didn't notice the way, Jimin took another step back, closer towards the cliff. The way the smile on his lips was just a tiny bit too sweet to be real. How his eyes had a mischievous glint to them. The glint a hunter had the moment he had his pray exactly where he wanted it.

Instead he instantly stepped forward the moment Jimin opened his arms up for a wide hug. "Come here, sweetie~"

He didn't even notice the way Jimin's hands found their way around his hips. All he could look at were those deep ocean blue eyes that made it impossible to think about anything else, just seconds before both bodies were engulfed by the unforgiving ocean.


So Jimin in this story is not bad per say... he doesn't really feel guilt the way a normal human would, when it comes to killing people.

To him it's kind of normal.
He would feel guilty if he made Yoongi sad by stealing his icecream or something but not for killing someone.

If anyone has any questions btw don't hesitate to ask and thank everyone for voting!!!

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