Chapter 48

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Chapter 48


Jimin and Taehyung were touchy. Ridiculously touchy. If Yoongi hadn't known that they were brothers he probably would have though there was something going on between the two of them.

Somehow Jimin had managed to instruct Taehyung with some simple kitchen tasks. They hadn't spoken a word. They just kept looking at each other like they were reading each other's minds. It was so weird to watch but Yoongi had to remind himself that this was probably normal to Jimin. More normal than talking to Yoongi was.

Anyways, they kept touching each other while working. Taehyung filled a pot with water or cut some stuff although he was rather slow at doing so. Whenever Jimin passed by they would brush their shoulder against each other. There was a lot of nudging each other and at some point Taehyung straight up put his hands on Jimin's shoulders and slowly ran them down his body.

Jimin didn't even seem to notice. Or rather he was doing just the same. Getting a lot closer than friends or brothers should be.

At this point Yoongi wouldn't even be surprised if they started kissing considering how close their faces sometimes got. There also were those short breaks where Jimin and Taehyung just stared at each other for a couple of seconds, neither of them saying anything.

After a few minutes Yoongi just decided to ignore them and focus on his work. He could ask Jimin later what was happening, but for now he'd stop thinking about it this much.

"Dinner's ready." Jimin smiled brightly, walking over to Yoongi and sitting down on his lap blocking Yoongi's view on his laptop with his body. The only way to stop the boy from continuing to work.

Yoongi nodded, nonchalantly trying to glance past Jimin onto his screen, just to finish the last few clicks that probably wouldn't take that long – realistically speaking probably longer than an hour – but Jimin beat him to it by closing his laptop. "Stop working. You didn't sleep all that well and today you've probably spent more than eight hours working already." Jimin warned.

Yoongi groaned frustratedly, dropping his head against Jimin's chest. "I was almost done... just a bit longer."

"Uh-uh." Jimin declined, getting up and grabbing Yoongi's laptop before carrying it to their bedroom. "You can continue tomorrow."

Yoongi sighed, letting his head fall back against the wall, but accepted his fate.

Jimin returned and started distributing their portions on each of the plates. One portion was left in the pan since Namjoon wasn't home yet. Taehyung silently sat down across from Yoongi. Yoongi still didn't feel comfortable around him, but ever since he and Jimin showed up he really hadn't shown any signs of threat.

"Anything new about the album?" Jimin asked, placing plates in front of Yoongi and Taehyung.

Yoongi watched as Taehyung picked up some rice from the plate with his hand and put it into his mouth. It was the first time he'd opened his mouth since he'd hissed at Jimin and Yoongi still could see sharp fangs instead of regular teeth. He realized how well Jimin must have hidden his inability to seem normal. Sure, there were times when Yoongi had been really confused about Jimin's behavior and lack of knowledge when it came to certain things, but Taehyung was on a whole different level. The boy was almost creepy and Yoongi was sure that even if he hadn't witnessed the scene earlier he quickly would have picked up on the fact that something was very wrong with Taehyung.

Jimin patted Taehyung's shoulder, again a weird moment of silence between the two of them, and suddenly Taehyung picked up the fork, still a bit clumsy, and tried getting some food onto it instead.

So Yoongi was right. They really did have pretty normal conversations, just without talking. It was such a weird concept.

"The album is flopping. Not that I'm really surprised. Namjoon uploaded it on Spotify, YouTube and some other websites. Absolutely nothing." Yoongi sighed, pushing his hair back. "Without an entertainment company you're nothing. I mean, Namjoon even tweeted something about it and he has at least some followers but hardly anyone listens to shit that isn't popular."

Jimin frowned, sitting down next to Yoongi and running his hand through the boy's hair. "I'm sure it will get better. It's probably just taking its time." He tried reassuring but Yoongi shook his head.

"Jimin... this isn't the first time I'm doing this. I've uploaded songs before. You'll have some people listen to it. Maybe a hand full. If you're lucky even a few hundred but if you're not famous people couldn't care less about you. They don't even care about the music anymore. They just want something to talk about."

Jimin frowned. "But your music is something to talk about."

"It's not. People want a pretty face and badass lyrics, not reality. I'm okay with it though. I'm not really disappointed because I was expecting it to be that way. And we had fun while producing it, so that was worth it."

"But what about money? You're always in a tight spot." Jimin asked, rubbing Yoongi's arm in a soothing manner.

"It is what it is. I can't really do anything about it so complaining won't do any good aside from ruining the mood."

Jimin looked like he was about to answer when Taehyung pulled on the elbow area of his sweater, trying to get his attention. Instead of continuing, Jimin turned his head looking at Taehyung. Again a silent exchange happened and Yoongi felt somewhat left out.

"He's asking why you're sad."

Yoongi hated this. He didn't want to seem weak in front of someone he'd seen for the first time today. "Tell him I'm not sad."

"Sirens don't know lying. You'll confuse him." Jimin tried to explain, grabbing Yoongi's hand and carefully massaging the spot between his thumb and the palm of his hand.

Yoongi sighed. "Tell him I'm in a tight spot moneywise if he knows what that means."

Jimin nodded slowly, not looking entirely convinced, but nevertheless turned back to Taehyung.

"He's saying... that's actually a pretty good idea."

"What?" A bit skeptical what Jimin would call a good idea Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"We could get you a lot of money. Or rather stuff that's worth a lot of money. Shit like gold and pearls. As Taehyung calls it, glittery things humans seem to like." Jimin chuckled amusedly.

"I'm... not sure about that. I kind of want to get somewhere in life on my own." The human tried to reason. Someday he'd want to get a proper job and make his own living. If he were to get a lot of money now he really wouldn't feel... needed anymore."

Jimin nodded. "That's okay."

"Tell Taehyung thanks."

A warm smile broke out on Jimin's face. "I will."

When he did, Taehyung looked a bit hesitant as to how to react but if Yoongi wasn't seeing things he sent a very short and very small smile into Yoongi's direction.


Nine chapters left of this story.

Two I still have to write.

Love ya'll and thank you for all the support<3

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