Camden Nights ||tbs||

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(A/n: this was so fun to make, let's say i kind of hope to go to London and let this happen. Tell me your opinions and if you have any ideas feel fry to comment down here. :) i hope you enjoy your writing)

It was friday night and me and my friends decided to go have a drink in Camden Town in London

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It was friday night and me and my friends decided to go have a drink in Camden Town in London. It was the last day of holidays so we wanted to do something we could remember forever and getting drunk was on that list.
"You should definitely try this one!" My best friend handed me a glass of beer. I took it and I swallowed up laughing as a stupid.
I turn around and definitely bumped into someone: he was so charming and attractive; he had dirty blonde hair and a smile printed in his face.
"I am sorry, miss"
His accent made me understand suddenly that he was a local boy, he surely came from England. He was pretty cute. Damn.
"No problem" I started to walk to the dance floor with my friends that were laughing for what happened with that boy. He looked so familiar though, but where did you see him? I drank a little more than you should have that night and you weren't properly concentrating. I started to dance with my friends. I was moving my hips, my arms and my hair too. I felt like I wanted to dance all the night. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to come back to my city. London was so dynamic and beautiful, I wanted to make some great memories. I just had one more night. Suddenly someone stepped forward my back and wrapped their arms around my waist. I turned around and realize it was the same blonde boy I bumped into.
"You, again?" I asked maliciously.
"Is that a problem?" He answered in the same malicious way. He kept on moving his hands on my waist getting me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck glancing at him. I still had this feeling I knew this boy, but probably it was just a sensation. We began swaying and I could hear my friends whistle. He leaned in softly looking into my eyes. His brown eyes had something that I already saw somewhere. He kept on leaning.
"May I?" He asked and I nodded in response. His hands fully wrapped my waist while he was kissing me slowly. It was a weird taste. He tasted like nicotine mixed with mint and beer. I could smell his aftershave and I got inebriated.
He pulled me close softly. "It was.."
"..amazing, yes." I finished for him. "What's your name?" I asked.
"What... You don't know my name?" He asked frowning but smiling.
"Should i know you?" I smile.
"Oh no, no. Of course not. I am Thomas" he smiled. "What about you?"
"I love your name. Anyways, I have to go. Can I see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Unfortunately I am coming back to (your city name)" I shrugged.
"It was one night stand, then. Sorry to hear that. I hope to see you soon again y/n" he waved to me going out from that club. I waved back to him and came back to my friends who cheered me.
—the morning after—
"Girls have you heard the news?" My best friend came to the kitchen where we were having breakfast.
"What about that?" I asked.
"Do you remember that kid from Nanny Mcphee?" She smiled. "He was in the same pub we were at yesterday night" she chuckles.
"Amazing but I don't even-" then suddenly I remember the kid from that movie and from love actually and the maze runner. Dirty blonde hair, tiny lips, tall and slim. "Girls" I suddenly said putting the palm of my hands on the table.
"What?" They asked looking at me worried while I widened my eyes still shocked.
"I have kissed Thomas Sangster yesterday night"

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