Deep phone conversation pt.2 ||tbs||

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A/n: I know this is not so good but appreciate it anyways! Thanks for reading every one, I really love you! This book is almost to get to an end but I will surely write more!
I recommend to read the part.1 first :)

1 first :) Enjoy! ANY DYLAN O'BRIEN STANS HERE? -Sara

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I heard the alarm. Amazing. I just slept two hours and all for that stupid conversation I had with Tom last night.
He was drunk , y/n. He doesn't really think what he said.

But what if he did? I have had a crush on him since we were in the third grade, but I never told him. In high school he chose Isabella and they dated 'till... now. The truth is that he still is dating her and I am just his stupid best friend.

Someone knocked at my door.

"Who's there?"
"Y/n, it's Tommy"

I opened the door to face my best friend who had a little blood on his forehead.
"What happened?" I asked him taking him by his sleeve to get him in. He sat down on the couch while I went to kitchen to grab some ice. He put the ice on his forehead.

"Will you please tell me what bloody happened?" I sat down next to him.

"I was at this pub in Camden yesterday night and I drank too much so I ended up into a fight with some guys" he touched his head growing softly in pain.

"Let me help you" I got closer to him taking some cotton to clean up the wound. We were close inches. I could feel his breathe on my cheek while I was helping him. He closed his eyes and I whispered.

"Am I hurting you?"
"Never. I mean, no" he opened his eyes softly touching the back of his neck.

Was he nervous about something?

"Tommy do you... remember what happened yesterday?" I randomly asked putting a plaster on his wound.

"A part from me being beaten up?" He sarcastically said.

"Yes, a part from that" I smiled nervously.

"Is there something you want to tell me y/n?" He softly took my hair away from my face. "You look tired"

"That's why I haven't slept much, honestly"
"Why is that?" He frowned.
"You tell me" I stood up. He did the same keep on frowning.

"I don't really.." He glanced down at his feets.

"Let me refresh your memory, yeah? You called me and told me a lot of bullshit about you loving the things I do, children names, Isabella not knowing how you like your tea, you weren't making any bloody sense, Thomas" I touched the bridge of my nose nervously.

"You think that didn't make sense?" He asked.

"It did?"

He quickly came closer to me and pushed me against the wall, he kept an hand on my waist and the other one on my cheek leaning in. His lips touched mine until they started moving in sync. I put my hands on his chest softly taking off his t-shirt by the back of his neck. He undid my shirt softly and stopped himself to look at me in admiration.

"What are we doing?" I asked glancing down at my feet.

"What we were meant to do a lot of time ago. I love you y/n, I meant everything I said. I just thought you didn't feel the same that's why I pretended I didn't remember what I said but I promise I remember every bloody word. I want you y/n, now and always. Let me take care of you, please" he said touching my nose with his.
I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to react so I closed my eyes and I imagined my life without him.

I reopened them slowly looking at him.

"Take care of me Thomas and never let me go." I leaned in and kissed him again and softly. Softness turned into lust and passion. We ended up doing the only thing we wanted to do for a long time. We became two souls sharing only one body.

I finally made love with Thomas Sangster.

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