Protection ||newt||

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A/n: ( THIS IS 'the end' PART TWO!!
in this imagine you are the only glader that remembers everything from your past life, enjoy and sorry if it's messed up shdjks good reading)

Newt's POV

I am just standing here without doing a bloody thing. Y/n is standing in front of the fire, all alone and scared. I can tell she misses her home especially now that she remembers everything.

Why would the creators have done something so awful to her?

What did she do to deserve this?

How can I bloody help her?

"Are you going to tell her or are you just gonna stand here like a shuck face?" Minho put an hand on my shoulder.

What does it should I mean?

"Tell her what?" I turn to face my friend who is handing me a glass of Gally's recipe. I really feel like needing it right now.

"That you are crazy, madly and deeply in love with her. And I bet she is too."

"Oh I think you are wrong Minho. None would ever love someone like me. I am messed up." I say glancing down at my feet.

"You saved her life today, she refused to jump because she knew you would have jumped too. Trust me, y/n feels the same"

Before I can say anything he pushes me towards the fire. And there she is.

Y/n pov

I can't believe I still feel like I am alone around all these people. I remember them. I remember their faces. I remember Minho being a sassy shack face even before the maze, Thomas and his curiosity, Newt and his gentle manners, his way to make me feel safe.

Who is going to make me feel safe right now?

"Y/n , are you ok?" Newt sat down next to me with his elbows on his knees looking at me. I could not look at him. I felt so guilty to have attempted to do something that actually destroyed his life. I feel ashamed.

"Hey, yes i am fine" I answer playing with the grass I am sitting on.

"Y/n.. you can stop pretending around me. I know you. You know I feel it when you are not okay" he gently strokes my hand stopping it from touching the grass so I decide to look at him.

"You used to say that a lot before the maze" I smile softly.

"Did I?" He chuckles nervously and I nod in response.

"You said you wanted to protect me" I glance at my feet trying to hide the tears in my eyes. "I am sorry Newt, I am sorry for your leg"

"Y/n, y/n look at me" he put two fingers under my chin making me look at his chocolate brown eyes. "As long as I have you protected, I am fine. I promise" he smiles gently. He is saying such sweet things. I could never stop wanting to hear these things from him.
Now or never y/n.
"There's a thing I want to try and I want to do it now that I still have memories about my past life. Now that I know how much you meant to me back there" he is looking in my eyes glancing down at my lips and then back in my eyes.

"Good that." He whispers leaning in.

That's it. Our lips touch and our eyes are closed. Something I have never felt before took possession of me. I finally passed from being a little girl to a young in love woman. We lean a bit on the log we are sitting on, he kisses me more passionately and I kiss him back with the same lust.

We quickly pull  away when we hear someone approaching.

"Well well" Minho is smirking.

"Oh, bloody shut up" Newt smiles touching his forehead embarrassed

"Oh, bloody shut up" Newt smiles touching his forehead embarrassed

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