The end. ||newt ||

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I knew I could not handle it anymore

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I knew I could not handle it anymore. I knew that nothing would have never be the same anymore. For some odd reason I remember. I remembered my past life, before the Glade and before this shucking maze. My parents used to love me so much, when the flare started to spread my mom was pregnant. Things got worse. All of Sudden. I remember how my parents tried to fight for me, I remember what they told to Wicked army. I remember I had some friends in Wicked. Ava pretended to care about me but she didn't. I remember this blonde boy with a weird accent, I remember helping him with his drawings, I remember him calling my name.
Why do I remember?
I can't live a life into this fictional place, I just can't.
Here I am. Climbing the great walls covered in ivy. I am climbing to the top. Finally I am up there. My head to the sky, my body trying to lean out. I suddenly know what I have to do. There is nothing I need to say, I just have to do it before the gladers wake up. Before Minho, Thomas, or worse, Newt are gonna find me.
I put a foot out willing to lose equilibrium, ready to fall down into a black abyss.
"Y/n! Get down of there"
Bingo. Thomas is here. He's yelling so soon everyone will be here. I better do it soon.
"L-let me go Thomas, I can't stay here" tears in my eyes.
"No, there is another way. Getta out of there, we're gonna find a way out, come on" he yelled with panic coming out of his voice.
"You don't understand. Do you?" Tears are now falling on my cheeks. "We can't leave this play. They put us here, it's this way. So or we live this fictional life or we die. I prefer to die" I lean out again, i am about to jump when I hear a strong accented voice coming from down the big wall.
"Y/n, please come down. We can figure everything out" he says raising his hand in front of him as in surrender.
"No, don't move. I have to do it, you get it. Don't you?" I am crying. Tears make me see a blured Newt.
"Y/n, listen to me. Have I ever told you how I got my limp?"
"Wha-what, you are distracting me" I shout.
"No, no, no y/n. Listen to me. I have tried to do the same exact thing but that's what I was given. A bloody limp. Minho saved me and I could not be more happy about that. Do you know why?" He stopped awhile and then he continued. "This may be a fictional life but we are alive, we are real. We are not fiction. Minho, Thomas, me, you. I wouldn't mind spending time with you. You are a blessing y/n. I promised you. No one is gonna hurt you, not even yourself" he got closer to the wall trying to climb it. "So, or you come down here with us or I am gonna come there and jump too. And you bloody know I'd do that for you"
Suddenly an half smile appeared on my lips, a smile that got wet by the tears. I realized that he was right. I lived in a fictional world surrounded by real and caring people. Newt was one of them. He said I was his blessing. Honestly, he was mine.

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