You love London ||tbs||

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A/n: hello my little brodies, how is your day going? I hope you enjoy this one! I got inspired by Thomas recent come back in London after a while in Peru 🇵🇪! Let me know what you think and feel free to suggest me some ideas for my next imagines! Have a good day!

A/n: hello my little brodies, how is your day going? I hope you enjoy this one! I got inspired by Thomas recent come back in London after a while in Peru 🇵🇪! Let me know what you think and feel free to suggest me some ideas for my next imagines!...

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It was an harsh time for me. No one seemed to understand me and everyone underestimated me. I just felt an abnormal pain into my fragile pumping heart and all this got worse when my mother told me we had to move away from London. The city I have grown up in. The city where I met my best friend, Thomas Sangster.

The only one who could help me to feel a little better.

I tried to hold back the tears but when I knocked at his door and he opened up I started to cry snuggling into his arms without saying a bloody word.

After a few moments he hugged me tightly and stroked my hair gently. He was trying to calm me down.

"Y/n, shh. It's alright, everything is fine. I got you" he said against my hair.

"N-no, n-othing is f-fine T-Tommy" He welcomed me into his house and helped me taking off my Jacket.

We sat down on his couch while he was waiting for me to explain everything. He handed me a cup of tea and I started to explain him that I would have left London in less than two weeks because my mother got a new job. He didn't say anything but just frowned concerned.

"W-what do you mean you are leaving London?" He finally asked.

"Exactly what I said"

"C'mhere" he opened his arms and hugged me close as I breathed in his scent.

"Listen, everything will be fine. We, we will find a way" he stuttered while he was drawing small circles behind my back. " y/n you are my best friend and I won't ever lose you, I bloody promise you"

"Find a way to what Tom? I am leaving, there's no way" I stood up and he did the same looking at me.

"Find a way to make things work" he almost cracked. "Listen y/n, I need to" he cleared his throat getting close to me. I furrowed my expression looking at him.

What was he doing?

I took a step back but immediately he put an hand on my waist and leaned in 'till our lips finally touched.

I pull him closer to him and just kissed back. This kiss was so full of lust and passion, so wanted by the both of us.

"T-this is going to complicate things Thomas" I said glancing everywhere but him.

"Hey, hey y/n/n" he slowly and softly touched my chin making me look at him. "This just improved them because now I know I won't ever let you leave me" he glanced at me smiling softly, reassuringly.

"When are we moving?"

"W-what do you mean?" I asked incredulously. "You love London"

"Yes, but I love you more"
He leaned in and pecked my lips once more.

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now