Pride ||tbs||pt.2

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A/n: a lot of you asked for a part two and i am a good girl so here you have! I hope you like how this one turned out. Love you guys. Really so much. If you want me to write something special or specific just feel free to dm me or comment below! Ps: i know i have already used that gif but it's perfect for this chapter. Enjoy (:

Months passed and I slowly got used to Thomas's absence

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Months passed and I slowly got used to Thomas's absence. Sometimes I missed him but sometimes I could not stop thinking about what he told me. How dare he treating me as if I were nothing?

I came back home from work and left the keys on the table of the kitchen ready to prepare myself a cup of tea. It was a cold day of January and cold in London stings as needles.
I sipped my tea and sat on the couch listening to the sound of the rain, letting it calm me down. I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep before working on a project my office gave to me when I heard a knock at the door.

Who could have been? Mom and Dad were out of town, I lost contacts with my friends so... no. It could not be.

I was just deceiving myself as I walked up to the door. I opened it and I froze.

"What do you want?"

I asked trying to stay calm. The blonde brit in front of me was all wet from the rain. His hair were messed up and some locks were in front of his deep brown eyes.

"Can I come in?"

His accent blew me away but I tried to stay focused. I turned my back ready to close the door when he put his veined hand on it.

"Please, y/n..let me in, please"

He pleased looking into my eyes so that I could not deny him to enter in my safe place, my home. He got in and stood up looking at me the whole time.

"So?" I finally glanced at him.

"I just.. am sorry" he simply said. "What do you want me to say?"

"Oh no Thomas, don't turn this as if you are the victim! I needed you, I wanted to feel you by my side and all you did was leaving me empty and alone. You gave up on us" I hissed passing my hand through my hair clearly upset.

"You are being selfish, Y/n! You told me I was never with you when you knew I had to work, I was just hoping you'd understand it but-"

"Me? Selfish? Oh come on, Thomas. I hope you are kidding me. You gave up on what we created. You gave up on my decision of loving you despite all the insecurities and all the difficulties it involved" I glanced down then lowered the tone saying.

"You gave up on me, Tommy." Tears were falling on my cheeks.

"Never!" Tommy screamed taking a step forward me. He lowered his tone. "I am trying to get us back together, I am ready to make things work" he looked down then glanced at me, hope filled his eyes.

"It's too late, Thomas" I suffered so much but I decided to do what was best for me.

"Y/n, no, please" He pleaded glancing in my eyes trying to find any kind of emotion.

"Just.. Go" I finally said quoting exactly what he said months ago. I looked at him and I found pain in his face, he wasn't moving.

"Tommy, please" I opened the door for him trying not to cry. I loved him but he would have hurt me again and again and my heart would have not endured so much.

He walked forward the door, looked in front of him about to leave but first glancing one more time at me.

"I love you y/n, you know I do.. please don't do this to me y/n/n" he almost cracked. Tears were falling on his cheeks when he got out of the door.

I closed it.

Telling goodbye to the only one I truly loved.

What did I just do?

I opened the door and started to run in the street, I kept on running while rain was wetting my jumper. I kept on running untill I found him.


He turned around frowning, an habit of his.
I could tell he was confused but he kept on glancing at me.

I stepped closer to him. "I tried, but I can't"
I stepped closer to him.
"Every time I push you back I have this urge to pull you in"

Our bodies got closer, our foreheads almost touching.

"Oh, fuck it." He leaned in and kissed me. He kissed me as if I were the only one he really loved, as if I were the only girl in the world.

He pulled back a second, looking into my eyes.
"I never gave up on you, y/n. I swear"

I put two fingers on his lips trying to hush him.

"Me Neither"

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now