Letters and promises ||newt||

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A/n: this is one of the saddest imagine i have written. There will be a certain letter. Some things are written by james dashner some by me. I hope you'll like our mix letter :)

I sat down in front of the fire looking deeply at it remembering when Newt used to talk with me in front of it in the Glade

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I sat down in front of the fire looking deeply at it remembering when Newt used to talk with me in front of it in the Glade.

I heard someone approaching me.

"Hey.." Thomas sat down next to me looking the fire. I could not say anything. Deep inside I felt Thomas didn't stop Newt, he had to fight harder to save his life; On the other hand I knew he lost a friend too and I just looked at him radiating all the pain I felt to him who hugged me tightly hushing me, trying to stop me from crying.

"He's gone Tommy.." my voice cracked. "He's gone"

" He'll never be gone, y/n. 'Till he'll live into our hearts he will always stay with us. You hear me?" Thomas was giving me strength even though he was the one who needed it first.

"Here" he handed me a paper. I looked up at him confused and that's when he answered my silent question.

"Newt wrote this while we were in the Scorch, he pleaded me to give it to you if.. you know. So, here."

He stood up ready to leave me alone to read what it meant to be a goodbye letter from the boy I was in love with. I started reading the letter and it was like if I heard him talking. He was talking with me somehow.

Dear y/n,
I found myself writing a lot of letters lately, who knows. Maybe the scorch Just inspired me.
If you are reading this one it means that I am not here anymore, I can't touch your y/h/c hair and I can't kiss your knuckles nor hug you just to smell your peach shampoo I so bloody love.
I want you to know that I am not scared, not of dying. Anyways. It's more forgetting. All the good memories I have collected into the glade. Frypan's stew, Tommy's questions and.. you.  Your stubborn behavior, your sweetness, everything about you that has ever made me feel Alive. With the capital letter. I knew from the first moment you popped up into the Glade that I would have loved you and protected you and I have. No matter what the cost was.
I want you to be happy and to smile. I know I will still be able to see you from up there and I don't want my girl to get all sad. I want to show the angels your smile so keep on doing that. My hope for you and for Tommy is that when you are looking back you can say that you two have been happy because that's my biggest wish. He'll take care of you, y/n. I trust him more than anyone.
Promise me you'll be happy. 

Thank you for being the love of my brief life.

Goodbye y/n/n


After the letter I wiped my tears and looked up to the sky and whispered something that gave me strenght.

"I promise you"

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