would you rather ||tbs|| pt.1

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(A/n: you are Kaya's best friend, she invited you to this party where all the cast is totally drunk and want to play silly games)

"We're gonna play this game. It's called 'would you rather' are you ready?" Dylan started.

We were at a party that night. We started to drink, some more than others, and we found ourselves playing this stupid game.

"Oh sure, let's do it" Ki said excitedly.

"I start. Ki would you rather spend a night with Kaya or never being able to speak again?" Dylan asked.

" Well, I am sorry Kaya, but.. these are my last words" he laughed 'till he fell on the ground.

Kaya laughed too. They all were so drunk. I looked away and found Thomas deep in thought. I have  spoken to him a few times but I honestly have had a crush on him since Nanny McPhee was at cinemas.

I felt a bit odd staying in the same room with him without blushing but I was trying my best to impress him. But he didn't notice me that much.

While they were still playing I stood up and sit down next to Thomas trying to play it cool.

"I know we don't properly know each other, but.. I wanted to know what is wrong. You are here by your own, I mean, are you okay?" I asked nervously touching my hair looking in front of me, too scared to see his reaction.

"I am fine" he said biting his thumb nail. I looked at him.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I asked again.

"I said I am bloody fine y/n, now you should go. Dylan's waiting for you to ask him questions" he hissed.

"Wow, someone's on his period, I see" I stand up facing him.

"Why do you even care? Can you just go?"

"Honestly I don't know. I just didn't want you to feel isolated but all I gained was this stupid behavior" I came back to the others that kept on playing.

"Oh, Y/n is back." Dylan smirked. "This one's for you" I nodded waiting my question.

"Would you rather kiss me or Thomas?"


The worst question ever. I widened my eyes and a few moments later I found Thomas glancing at me, waiting for an answer. It felt weird. As if he was worried about something.

"I am not gonna answer this" I glanced down feeling stress coming out more and more. Dylan got closer to me.
"What are you-" Dylan lifted my chin with his index, he deeply looked into my eyes and leaned in. "Dylan I-" suddenly someone got closer and gripped Dylan by his shirt.


I could tell he was pretty angry but I still didn't understand why.
"Leave her alone, O'Brien"

"Wh-what are you saying Tommy? It's just a game" Dylan raised his hands in surrender. "Just a game"

"Well, it's not for me. And you know that" he almost screamed the last part then he left the room taking his coat and his car keys.
I never felt so confused.

A/n: if I get almost 10 comments and 5 stars i will publish part two today!!!!
What did you think about this one? 👌🏻

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