Women and cars pt.2 ||tbs||

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A/n: hello guys! I totally suggest you to read the first one if you don't remember it! Let me know what you think of it. ♥️
Also, going in London in 4 days soo excited

 ♥️Also, going in London in 4 days soo excited

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I kept on driving gripping on the steering. I was blushing and I was glad that it was night and that Thomas could not see me. I breathed in. I breathed out.

"What?" He asked. I could hear him smiling.
I kept on watching the road ahead me.

"I am trying to focus Thomas, shut up"

"Ah really? Stay focused y/n." He leaned his hand softly on my thigh. I blushed hard feeling an odd sensation into my stomach. He had to stop and he had to do it now.

"Thomas" I started glancing quickly at him.

"Keep on driving" he said softly. He pulled off his hand of my thigh and touched my hand that was on the gear. He intertwined his fingers with mine. I abandoned myself at his touch and he brought my hand to his lips leaving sweet kisses on it.

Oh Tommy.

I breathed in softly. I approached the road quickly, I braked sharply and I looked at him.

"Hey slow down, who is the one who can't driv-" I leaned in and hardly pushed my lips into his then pulled away.

"You wanted to joke me around. You wanted to  arouse me! Is this what you wanted?" I yelled.

"This is not what I wanted" he was smiling.

"Then what?" He leaned in again. I looked at him and as a magnet we kissed. Our lips touched and moved in sync. He took off my security belt and grabbed my waist softly. I moved in and sat on his lap softly keeping on kissing him. He pulled away gently and caressed my cheek.

"I wanted you to admit you dig me as much as I dig you"

A/n: I loved how this one turned out. I hope you liked it!

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