Blighty Underground ||tbs||

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(A/n: I am trying my best, i hope you'll like this one)

As every morning I was reading while going to work in the underground

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As every morning I was reading while going to work in the underground. It was a typical London day filled with rain and cold.

The book I was reading was a new serie, something as Sci-fi where these boys find themselves stuck into a maze or something. I liked that. And I found myself reading that for the whole week without realiz-

"Do you really like that one, don't you?"

I glanced at the boy who was talking. His brit accent was undeniable and I kind of liked that so much. Not a lot of people in London had that accent, unfortunately. Just because it was a big metropolitan town and it was difficult to meet Londoners.

"Yes, it's really good, actually"

I glanced back at my book, then at him. Again.

"I don't want to bother you, but... Favorite character in the book?"

He passed an hand through his dirty blonde hair. I closed the book smiling in surrender. I knew he wanted to talk, so we would have talked.

"I like Thomas, for now. Also, Minho is a pretty good sassy character. He looks like a good friend" I said smiling. "Have you read it?"

"Something like that, yes" he giggled.

What was so funny?

"And?" I asked to make him tell me who his favorite character was.

"Well I like Minho, too. And Thomas. But my favorite one is absolutely Newt"

"Second in command? The blonde one?" I smiled. Newt was a pretty good character, too.

He nodded.
"He's a good friend and he's absolutely the cutest" he giggled again.

Next stop is Saint James's Park.
Mind the gap, between the train and the platform.

"Oh, next is mine. I have to go. Nice to meet you.."

"Thomas, I am Thomas" he smiled then shaked my hand.

"Y/n. It was a pleasure"

"All mine, y/n. What a lovely name, by the way. I hope you enjoy the reading. Oh and the movie. I have heard it will be out in a year or something" he smirked.

"I will surely watch it and then meet you in.." I said glancing around ".. Here and tell you if I liked it or not. Bye bye" I smiled leaving that blonde brit into the train.

-a few months later-

I am chilling on the sofa looking for some good videos on YouTube. I choose one but the advertisements pop out.

Why do the advertisements have to be on youtube? They are so annoying.

"What is this place? Who put us here?"
It is a trailer and something reminds me of a book I have read.

"He's right. It doesn't matter... any of it... because the people we were before the maze - they don't even exist anymore. But what does matter is who we are now, and what we do, right now. You went into the maze and you found a way out."
The blonde boy said. His voice is familiar.


This boy looks extremely familiar. But-

Suddenly it comes out as a whisper to myself.


𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now