Umbrella ||tbs||

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Life conceals surprises sometimes and I learnt that when one rainy day like another I literally bumped into my ex boyfriend

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Life conceals surprises sometimes and I learnt that when one rainy day like another I literally bumped into my ex boyfriend.

We were engaged and we were about to get married when he decided to split because his work always seemed to be more important than me.

Even though it was difficult I moved on and I started living my life again learning to live without him by my side.

"Do you have an umbrella?" I asked to the dirty-blonde-haired guy in front of me who was wet for the rain.

"I would have probably opened it already if I had one, wouldn't I?" He asked shrugging.

"You have a point" I welcomed him under my umbrella and we ran to my place who was just a few kilometers from there.

"Let me grab you something, you are gonna catch a cold if you stay this wet" I said taking off my coat, going to my bed room. 

Thomas was in the living room looking all around to see how that place didn't change. He found himself looking for pictures of me and other boys because we broke up almost five years before. He found a picture of me and a friend of mine and looked at it more than he should have.

"Here, take this." I came back from my bedroom handing him the t-shirt.

"Thank you. Wait, wasn't this one of-"

"Yes. It was time to give it back anyways." I glanced him then went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea.


He sat down on the couch and I sat down on the other side of it glancing at him sometimes. He took out from his pocket a box of cigarettes and as he put the cigarette between his lips, he asked.

"Do you mind if I..?"

"No, it's fine" I answered without looking at him. "I thought you stopped though"

"I did, you know. But sometimes it helps me to stay calm, to keep control" He said throwing out the smoke.

I looked at him.

"Can't you stay calm with me?"

"I can. It's just extremely difficult." He said firmly without interrupting eye contact.

Thomas and I have always been that kind of couple. We fought, we screamed to each other and we screw up almost everything but what we shared was real and I read inside his eyes the same lust and the same passion of the first day.

That's why I could not stand it anymore.

"Oh fuck it"

We found our lips pushed against each other's and in a few seconds I was sitting on his lap with his hands on my waist. I pulled back for a moment resting my forehead on his looking into his eyes, searching for the same feels that I was feeling. I found them and I pecked his lips once again.

Thomas breathed and then our mouths locked and I felt our hearts beat in sync.

I finally wrapped my arms around his neck softly when he kissed my jaw going down to my neck. His kisses were fierce and in that moment I realized how much I missed him. How much I missed that.

My hands touched his wet dirty blonde hair and when I was about to take off his t-shirt he slowly pulled away whispering.

"Maybe this time we should take it slow y/n, I really missed all this, I really missed you and I don't want to screw everything up" he gave me a soft smile and I nodded snuggling into his chest.

He softly caressed my hair 'till I fell asleep into my first and last love's arms.

I felt him leaving a small kiss behind my ear and softly whispering.

"I am glad I didn't have the umbrella today"

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now