Do you trust me? ||tbs||

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(A/n: in this imagine you and Thomas are 10. Honestly this is my favorite so far. I suggest you to read this while listening to the song. Have a good reading and as always if you have some ideas feel free to comment below)

Like every single week my mom and Thomas' mom had this movie marathon so, every Friday Tommy and his mum came to our house  as they always did, since when our mums were in High school

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Like every single week my mom and Thomas' mom had this movie marathon so, every Friday Tommy and his mum came to our house as they always did, since when our mums were in High school.

"What movie are our mums going to watch today Tommy?" I asked him suddenly stopping to play with the cards we have beeb playing with almost all the afternoon.
"I don't really know y/n. Maybe another Star Wars one? We could join them if they are watching that, you know I am crazy for star wars" he smiled widely.
"I hate Star Wars Tommy, but we can play a game. Let's sneak into the living room and let's see what they are watching then we can pretend we are the actors.It will be fun" i said in excitement.
"Oh, do you mean we are going to act? Like some sort of teathre? I love acting, yes let's do it" Thomas smiled.
We went downstairs slowly, being careful not to be caught by our mothers and then when we arrived there we spied what movie they were watching and we found out it was a love movie: there were two teenagers, the boy asked the girl to open her arms as if she was flying while he was touching sweetly her arms, slowly touching her hands interwining their fingers. He slowly whispered to her if she trusted him and she said yes. It was some movie of a boat, I don't really know. Our mothers didn't realize we were there because they were too worried about crying and fangirling about that blonde boy in the movie.
I finally turned around watching Tommy.
"Well, it's not star wars so, well we can do something else" I said nervously walking slowly forward the stars.

Tom grabbed my wrist making me turn around. He didn't say anything. He just kept on staring in my y/e/c with his deep brown eyes.

"Tom are y-" he gently put his finger on my lips to make me shut up and came closer to me. I was facing the mirror right now and he was behind me. He slowly started to touch my arms and I opened them as if I were a bird about to fly away. He stroked my arms and I got shivers.

What was happening? We were just playing. It was just a stupid game.

"Tommy what are you doing?" I whispered looking at him through the mirror. He looked at me through it and whispered softly into my ear. "Do you trust me?"
I closed my eyes and after a few moments of silence i nodded and whispered a weak "yes".
The little blonde boy kept on caressing my arms all down to my hands 'till our fingers interwined. I blushed a little then he made me turn around. He stared into my eyes once more and whispered again. "Good that because I trust you too"

This is the sweetest thing I have ever written. What do you guys think about this one? Love Actually inspired me.

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now