would you rather ||tbs|| pt.2

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A/n: ok so here you have part two because you all showed me some love today! Thank you ♥️ what else would you want to read?

"Tom, wait!" I ran after him and then he turned around facing me.

"What? What do you want Y/n?" He said
passing an hand through his hair.

"What do I want? Let's see" I put an index under my chin, looking up to think sarcastically then I looked at him again. "I want to know what you were bloody thinking when you almost punched Dylan in the face" I screamt.

I was so damn tired of his behavior.

"What do you want me to say? Uh y/n?" He came closer looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"The truth! Why do you treat me as if I don't deserve to be your friend? Why do you keep on pushing me away? What did I do?" Tears were about to fall out of my eyes then Thomas started to speak.

He shouted everything out.

"Do you think I am pushing you away? Oh bloody hell" He said touching his temples.

"That's exactly what you are doing, yes" I was ready to turn around and never speak to him. Never again.
I turned around but when I was about to leave he grabbed my wrist gently and made me turn around.

"I can't be your friend y/n. I have tried, but I can't. Friends should be happy if you pass your time with other guys, friends should support you no matter what the cost. But I just bloody can't."

He looked down for a moment before looking at me again.

"Y/n you have to forgive me if I wasn't so friendly lately, I was just trying to push away what I felt for you. Dylan's moves tonight made me furious because I knew he was gonna get you. He was gonna get my y

. And I can't afford that. I really can't because-"

I just leaned in and pushed my lips on his. I pushed them hard because I needed to show him how much I have lusted that kiss. We stopped a second and we breathed heavily, my forehead leaned gently on his, our noses touching.

"Because I love you" we both said in a whisper. I smiled and he smiled too because we knew this was our moment. A moment made of promises. Ours.

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