Truth or dare ||tbs||pt.2

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A/n: a lot of you asked me for a part two and here it is :) i am sorry if i am not too active on wattpad lately i just don't have much time in these weeks but I promise I have some good ideas and also, I'd like to start a Dylan O'Brien imagines book soon, would you read it?
Let me know guys what you think!
xoxo sara
Ps: I suggest you to read this while listening to this song, also known as one of my favourite songs at the moment!
Warning: there may be a a slight smut. Slight I promise. Tell me your opinions on that part. I wanted to challenge myself.

"Ok y/n, your turn now. Truth or dare?" Dylan started.

"I-I got to go, I don't feel so good, I've had too much champagne. Forgive me" I suddenly stood up quickly reaching the stairs. I reached a random bed room and got myself into it. I looked myself into the mirror and tried to steady my heartbeat, trying to calm down. I couldn't calm down after what he said.

Thomas said that just to piss me off, as usual. He can't feel that way about me. He just can't.

"Calm down, just calm down" I said to myself. "Who am I kidding? I can't relax"

Then a knock on the door.

"Y/n? Are you in there?"

Here we are. His accent. His deep voice. Chills all around my spine.

"Y/n? Are you ok? Let me in, come on"
Another knock. I could feel his worry through it. I could not open the door, I could not let him see my vulnerability.

"Coming! I am totally fine!" I yelled.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

The door opened slowly and it showed Thomas touching the back of his neck. Both of us remained silent. Neither of us knew what to say.

"I am a fool, y/n, I-"

"Oh, you surely are"
I said firmly.

"Right, you are right"
He simply said glancing down at his feet.

"Yes, I am. I totally am right."

He glanced down at his feet.
He was so vulnerable and I could not resist this side of him.

"You piss me off, you are so bloody irritating. You always want the last word and you think you are always right while you aren't. You like to embarrass me. We are not friends, we never were" I started glancing at him while I got closer. He glanced from his feet to me, a deep frown on his face telling me to continue with curiosity.
"But there's something I totally hate about you"

"Yes I understand, I am not a likable person?" he said frowning pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Don't rush me and let me finish. See? Irritating."

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I was saying there's this something I totally hate.." I stared deep into his brown eyes and I continued.
"I hate the way you make me vulnerable, I hate the way you made me feel before. You make me weak Tommy. You'll-"

"Oh hush, will you?"

Thomas rushed into me slamming me carefully against the wall pushing his lips against mine

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Thomas rushed into me slamming me carefully against the wall pushing his lips against mine. His nose softly touching my cheek. At first he didn't move then he started to move his lips opening his mouth to let our tongues touch softly. I could taste his lust mixed with my passion and I totally abandoned myself to it. One hand resting on my cheek caressing me softly while the other slid down my waist pulling me closer to him. I could feel he wanted to give me his all. He softly and slowly pulled away. Thomas chuckled softly then reached out to tuck my locks behind my ear. "Your weakness only makes you more beautiful"
I hid my face into my hands.

"You are the one who need to shut up now" I scoffed.

"This is the first good thing you said today"
"Oh, really?"
He leaned in until our lips touched softly.
And that was it.

The beginning of a beautiful disaster.

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