Check up pt.2 ||newt||

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Alarm started this meant something happened

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Alarm started this meant something happened. Since Newt arrived here I started to worry about him and his behavior. A part of me hoped that he could escape and live the life he deserved, the other part of me hoped he would stay in the facility and never get hurt. But I wasn't so sure he would not have got hurt if he stayed there.

Jenson got into the lab and started yelling.

"You! It's your fault!" He walked towards me. "Do you think I don't control my Subjects and who they talk with?"

"What? What does this mean?" I asked confused and worried. Janson could be a violent man, sometimes.

"You gave him hope and now I am going to take that shit back." He got closer to me touching my white lab coat slowly.

I swallowed scared and whispered.
"Janson let me go... please just" He got closer and gripped my wrist tightly.

"Let her go."

I turned my face to see Newt handing a gun.
His blonde hair was falling on his forehead and he was visibly worried. I knew that.

"A5.." Janson started but Newt pointed the gun at him.

"Newt. My name's Newt. You took my real name away with my life and with my memories. But now my name's Newt. Call me  properly!" He almost yelled.

"If you kill me you're going to be dead in a matter of seconds, Newt" Janson chuckled. I glanced at him with anger then back at the blonde scared boy.

"Newt he's right. You must go, leave and live the life you were meant to live" I smiled holding back tears.

"Come with us. You don't deserve to stay here with him. With those people. You are not like them" he tried to get closer but i stepped back.
Janson left moments earlier.

"Newt leave, now or never" tears escaped my eyes.

"Just one last check up, doctor y/l/n." He got closer to me and showed me a little scar on his face. I got closer to him.

"Here" I got on my tips toes and I put a little of gauze on it without realizing I was standing between his legs. I glanced at him who was blushing a little.

I cleaned his wound softly while I realized he was looking at me.
"What's up?" I asked softly.
"N-nothing, it hurts a little"
"I am sorry, I will try to be softer" I glanced down when I saw Newt's feet.
"No, it hurts that you are not coming with me" When I looked up at him he was leaning in whispering.

"Let me give you a piece of me, a tiny thing you are going to remember when you'll think of me in future"

With these words he pecked my lips softly and slowly till our lips opened and he kissed me properly. I felt shivers all back to my spine. We pulled off slowly.
"Thank you. Thank you for giving me future. I will never forget you." Newt said. This was the best thing someone ever told me. He told me I gave him future and that was the truth, maybe.

I looked at him while he was leaving going towards his bright future with his friends. I would always have thought about him, about his sandy blonde hair and his tiny lips; his heartbeat and his scent. I whispered to myself smiling.

"I will never forget you Newt"

A/n: this is the second and last part to the check up imagine! I really hope you enjoyed it, i am sorry if it isn't good as you wished, i am a little busy lately but i am thankful for your readings!

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now