Mistletoe ||tbs||

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A/n: this is my gift for all my readers. Thank you so much for all your support. I love you ❤️
Ps: this boy is totally a masterpiece, like honestly. I hope you enjoy the reading.
Merry Christmas to you all.

Everything was set up for the Christmas party and you were waiting for your friends to come over

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Everything was set up for the Christmas party and you were waiting for your friends to come over. There would have been, as usual, a lot to eat, some games and music. Simple things that with the right people can totally be the best thing ever.

I heard someone knocking at the door and opening up I found out it was them. My friends Ki, Dylan, Kaya and Thomas were here.
They got in and took off their coats showing their Christmas jumper as tradition.

"Merry Christmas dudette" Dylan hugged me tight.

"Merry Christmas" Ki and Kaya say with their mouths filled with chips. I genuinely smiled to the three of them.

"Thanks, Merry Christmas to you too" I smiled.

I looked away from the three of them to find Thomas still kinda shy and reserved leaning on the kitchen's door with one leg crossed on the other, glancing at everyone.

"Are you alright?" I whisper to him smiling.
He nodded gently.

"Merry Christmas y/n, may this year be filled with happiness for you"

"Oh, thank you Mr. Sangster. You too" I replied sarcastically glancing at him.

Dylan Ki and Kaya were changing songs and the one currently playing was Last Christmas performed by Cascada. One of the best songs ever.

"So guys we are going to go.. take something to drink" Dylan looked at Kaya and Ki.

"I have everything, Dylan." I chuckled.

"I meant, some other sweets and a dvd" Dylan said quickly putting on his coat followed by Ki and Kaya.


"I need oranges. We can't call it a proper Christmas without oranges" Kaya said suddenly.

"Oranges, yes we need them" Ki touched the back of his neck.

"Ok let me grab my coat, me and Tommy are coming too" I said walking to the living room.

"No!" The three of them said together, letting Thomas frown and me froze into place.

"Just get everything ready, we are coming back soon and we'll start eating" Kaya managed to say smiling matter of factly.

"Bye guys" Dylan said slamming the door.
"Did they do it on purpose?" I finally asked Thomas.
"Well, probably they did" he chuckled. "Let me help you with the roast beef" He said walking to the kitchen. I followed him and watched him carefully putting the beef and potatoes into the oven.

I finally sat down on my kitchen island and I saw Tommy getting closer to me. He gently leaned his hand on the corner of my lip.

"You had something just there" he said softly.

I felt heat coming from down my stomach to my face since when his skin touched mine. I had to admit Thomas was incredibly hot that night. His dirty blonde hair was fixed up and his skinny jeans showed perfectly his legs.

He kept on glancing at me, putting hands on both my knees to let me open my legs a little so that he could get even closer standing between them. I blushed looking at him, he was swallowing and I could see his Adam's apple going up and down. He looked up and smiled.

"Mistletoe" he whispered.

"Oh" I blushed glancing at him. "We-we don't have to... Kiss, you know" I was already so close to him I could feel his breath on my lips.

"You know that I am a traditional man"

Thomas moved on kissing my lips putting both of his hands on my waist. He kept on kissing me, more and more that I could feel our tongues tangled. I looped my arms around his neck touching his hair.

He pulled away a little just to whisper something against my lips.

"Now this is a proper Happy Christmas" he smirked getting closer and closer again.

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now