Subject A5 ||newt||

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Newt has always been an intelligent young boy

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Newt has always been an intelligent young boy. From the very beginning he had amazing results in his attitudinal tests even though he wasn't there like the others.

There was a secret about this boy, a deep one; hidden in his soul and hidden by Wicked facility.

He was looking at some screens concerning his brain and the capability of it to adapt to trials he, and other kids, have been through when— he saw her.

It wasn't the first time, anyways. They talked sometimes and learnt to comunicate through their minds. Y/n was always so nice with him even though she was so scared.

The blonde boy wanted to help her, he wanted to protect her because from the very first time he saw her he realized she had something special, something that was capable to drag him down, deep in his heart.

They didn't know what would have happened next but they began to understand they were part of something bigger. They had to help the universe and doctors kept on saying they were the key to find a cure.

But cure to what, exactly?

Y/n has asked him many times and he never answered her. But he knew. He really knew about the flare, he knew about immunes and he knew about the maze trials. He just didn't want to let her be scared, he wanted to protect her and so he did. Hiding the truth.

—time gap—

"Please. Anyone, but her" Newt's voice was about to crack. A blonde Woman dressed in white,  kept on looking in front of her through the glass of the facility.

"Newt we have already talked about this so now, you better stop"

"I promised her I would protect her. I promised her! You can't let her bloody go into that shucking Glade! She means everything to me"

Newt's eyes were full of tears, he could not stand this conversation anymore. He closed his eyes hoping this was just a nightmare he could easily escape from.

"Well, it happens that I can. She gained the best results in those tests, she could be the answer we have been looking for"

Ava— the woman dressed in white's name— got closer to Newt and she gently stroked his shoulder.

"Oh, Newt.. you better look at her as she is. She's a subject, most specifically subject B29 'the blessing'. She's just a subject in a laboratory, nothing more and nothing less."

Ava turned around and when she was about to get out of the door Newt started to talk, trying to stay focused.

"She's not just a Subject. Y/n is so much more. She is the only one that I can trust in this place. She has been my only friend here." He scoffed. "When we were little she was the first one to help me with my bloody drawings. She didn't care if I was weird. She knew I was hiding something from her, she always knew and I promised her I would have protected her. So I have to keep my promise"

He looked down at his hands then again at Ava.

"If she's going in the Glade, I am going there too because you are right. She's a blessing. She blessed me."

Ava widened her eyes. "Newt you are not-"

"I am not immune. I know. And I honestly don't care, mom. I promised her and I am going to stick in my bloody promise."

Ava Paige had a son and her son was not immune. She knew how stubborn he was so she closed her eyes already knowing how it would end. She would have never seen his son again, and if she did, Newt would not have recognized her and he would have hated her for what she has done to him and his friends.

She opened her eyes trying to recompose herself, she wiped her tears trying to remain concentrated as always.

"Good that. From now on, you are Subject A5 'the glue'"

A/n: I honestly loved writing this one. What do you guys think? It's pretty sad but well I am emo sometimes sooooo here you have!
If you have any suggestions just tell me :)

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