Crank party ||newt||

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My head was beginning to feel heavy, everything around me was blurred and I knew that was that weirdo's recipe's fault

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My head was beginning to feel heavy, everything around me was blurred and I knew that was that weirdo's recipe's fault.
Something was feeling odd—what was I doing here, exactly? Who I was with?

All I could feel was some music that dragged me unconsciously to the dance floor.
I started to move my arms, my hips and my head and in a few moments I found my self surrounded by people who weren't dead but not even alive—we called them cranks.

A crank came to me touching every inch of my skin and all I did was abandon my self to that touch. I was not my self anyways. I could not do anything, it was like my body moved without me controlling it.

"Don't you ever touch her again."

A thick accented voice brang me back to life, a light into the darkness that made me widen my eyes to see the dirty blonde-hair guy I had a crush on. Newt.

I suddenly felt Newt's arms taking out of that group of cranks. All I heard was a muffled voice and a blurred silhouette.

"Y/n! Y/n can you hear me? Are you alright?" Newt trailed off to touch my forehead.

"Y/n, talk to me, y/n, please" 

"Newt, why-why are we here?" I suddenly asked him.

"We are looking for.." he touched the back of his neck then pinched the bridge of his nose like he was trying to remember something. "I can't remember, but still we have to get out of here and we have to do it now" he
concluded firmly.

I felt an instant urge and I had to abandon my self to it. I leaned in and I started to draw little circles all over his torso making him shiver.

"Y/n, w-we have to g-go"

"Let's go then"

"You are making it difficult for us to go"

"What do you mean?"

Without saying a word, he leaned in and kissed me slowly. Our lips moved in sync, they perfectly fit as if they were meant to be together, just like the two of us. Music accompanied us.

That's when words became unnecessary.
He rested his forehead on mine and smiled to me.

"I am kinda glad we ended in this shucking place"

"Oh, y/n me too. Me too"

A/n: sorry this is kinda short but I hope you like it anyways (: thank you so much for reading this book, thanks from the bottom of my heart. You bloody inspire me everyday ❤️

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now