Check up ||newt||

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A/n: you are a doctor and work for WCKD.
Enjoy this one. I hope to keep on publishing imagines since I live in Europe and I don't really get this law on article 13. I don't understand if wattpad or instagram will be shut down. If you have instagram tell me your username maybe so i will keep on sending you my imagines. I still hope article 13 won't be about wattpad :( what do you guys think?

"Y/n you should check some of the A group that just escaped phase one, the maze you know

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"Y/n you should check some of the A group that just escaped phase one, the maze you know. They have been deprived of nutrients and we have to check them, analyze them"

I worked for WCKD since a few months. I really needed the money to help my sister fighting against the virus that spread all over our world.

I managed to help her for almost a year now but unfortunately the serum is too expensive and I work for paying it. I work to keep her alive since our parents died.

I knew about WCKD trying to find a cure but I honestly didn't know about the collateral effects of that. I didn't know people of my age were used for experiments. I didn't know they took away their names, their memories, their lives.

"Yes, I'll take care of it right away. Thanks Daphne"

I got into my laboratory and I found a blonde boy waiting for me to check on him. He lifted his head up and showed dark holes under his eyes, a little scar on his face and his deep brown damaged eyes. I felt painful.

What did this boy pass through?

"Hello, I am Doctor y/l/n, but feel free to call me y/n. You must be Subject-"

"Newt. My name's Newt. Don't treat me like a lab rat. Just.. Please"

He said glancing at me and down on the floor.

I felt so stupid, so miserable. I was talking to a person, he was no a subject. He was just a person and he suffered so much.

"I-I'm s-sorry. Well, Newt, I am here to check on you" I said reading the paper with all the informations about him.

"Check me for what?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well you have been deprived of a lot of things out there in the maze, I must check if you are okay" I said smiling trying to reassure him.

I started to check him, I slowly touched his arms to make him an injection of vitamins. He sighed as the needle entered.

I took off the syringe immediately after.

"Can you please stand up? I need to check your weight and your height"

"Of course"

He stood up and the height difference was palpable. I got closer to him and measured him.

"I must check your heartbeat. Do you mind if I.."
He nodded and sat down. I lifted his blue t-shirt trying not to get embarrassed. I slowly checked his heartbeat.

It was increasing.

"Newt are you ok?" I asked with concern.

"Shouldn't I be?" He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, it's just.. Your heart" I kept on listening to his heartbeat.

"What's whit that?"

"It's beating faster" I finally said looking at him. He relaxed and a little smile appeared on his face. His cheeks went pinker than usual.

"I am sorry, I think I can't really help it"

I smiled. I finally understood I would have protected that boy. No matter what.

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now