Future ||tbs||

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(A/n: I really enjoy writing about young Tommy, he's so chute it hurts lol. Enjoy this one. In this one you are 10 and he's 11. )

We were laying on the sofa, head to head, after our Harry Potter marathon

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We were laying on the sofa, head to head, after our Harry Potter marathon. It was pretty late but neither me or Tommy were tired to go to bed. We were just laying down staring at the ceiling and talking about future.

"What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?" He asked me still watching the ceiling.

"Who knows. Probably I will be in College.
What about you?" I said smiling and curious to hear his answer.

"I hope I'll do some other movie, I really like acting. You know. A great role. Something that everyone will appreciate me for." He stopped to smile for a while and passed a finger on his lips, something he always did when he used to think.

"Love Actually is a great movie, by the way. It's known enough. Isn't it?" I asked keep on watching the ceiling and I heard him nod by the touch of our heads.

"Do you think will we still be friends if you become a famous actor?" I asked suddenly trying to hide my concern.

"Are you kidding me?" He finally looked at me, sitting down. "I won't be the same without you. We are the best of friends. Aren't we?" He smiled touching the back of his neck, another habit of his. I simply nodded.

"Do you think we..." he hesitated glancing all over the room. "We will like each other?"

"We already do. Look at us" I said smiling at him innocently.

"I-I don't mean in this way y/n." he said pointing his index between him and I, he blushed a little.

"Oh" I suddenly got embarrassed. "I have never thought about it" I said glancing at my hands.

"Shall we?" He said taking my hand softly.
W-what do you mean?"

"Shall we think about future? You and me, I mean. It's something I found myself thinking about a lot, lately. Y/n I think I have feelings for you and I don't know how to face these feelings. You are incredible and I am just.. me" He said shrugging looking at our hands.

"I am glad you told me this" I finally spoke up.
" I think we will love each other in the end" I finally glanced at him who was already smiling.
I leaned in and tried to kiss him on the cheek but he turned around so that our lips touched.

We both closed our eyes.
He stopped for a while and whispered something I was so happy to hear.
"I think we already love each other. I love you y/n".

A/n: this is so sweet it hurts. I loved it!
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