Glad to have you ||newt||

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A/n: i want a sweet newt to love me k bye. Here i am with another imagine! Thanks for all your support!

 Here i am with another imagine! Thanks for all your support!

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"Don't you bloody go in there, y/n. I am begging you."

Newt said with a cracked voice. His eyes filled up with tears as he looked up at the only girl he has ever loved.

"I have to, you know that. I must find a way to escape from this shucking place, you know."

Y/n murmured to the blonde brit next to her. He glanced down at his feet knowing that his girl would never listen to him because she was just too stubborn. And he loved her like that. He trusted her, he knew that she would come back so he let her go.

Newt's Pov.

I am standing in the homestead looking y/n, waiting for her.
It has been a week since Tommy helped her into the maze because she fell and she broke her leg. I want to be here when she wakes up, I want to be the one to tell her she will have a limp her whole life. I honestly don't know anyone who would understand her better than me.

She has still her eyes closed. I can't see her beautiful y/e/c eyes. I can't see the light that helped me going through all the mess I have been going through.

I finally hold her cold hand. I intertwine her fingers with mine trying to keep her close to me even though she's not.

"I told you, I bloody told you to stay but you are so stubborn you didn't want to listen to me. I know every dark side of that maze, I know how dangerous it is"

I whisper bringing her knuckles close to my lips leaving a sweet kiss on them.

"You don't even realize how much you mean to us, to me. You have to wake up Y/n."

A few tears falls on her pillow as I lean over speaking into her ear.

"Listen to my voice, come back. Come back to me. Please, y/n/n, please"

I start to sob.

"I am bloody in love with you."

With my head into my hands I suddenly ear a weak sigh, I glance up at her body and I finally see her.

She's smiling weakly.

"I-t t-took y-you a lot o-of time t-to admit y-you l-loved m-me" her voice was barely a whisper.

"Glad to have you back" I chuckled softly wiping my eyes. She smiled and softly stroked my hand.

"Glad to have you here"

𝑇𝘩𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 • 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 •Where stories live. Discover now