Part 1

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You stared at your phone in one hand then the unpaid bill in the other. You'd hoped when you left college with your degree in writing you'd get your dream job as soon as you left but three years later you were no closer to it and in serious debt as well as behind with your rent and recently fired from the crappy job you hated with no sign of getting another job before you were kick out. All in all, you were fucked.

Yes. You were. Now.

Time skip...

"You're not serious, Y/N?" your best-friend asked as she sat opposite you at the table.

You nodded sighing. "What else do I do?" you shrugged.

"Get another job." she frowned.

"Liz, I need the money now. This is a quick, one time thing." you shrugged.

She shook her head. "You're selling your body."

"I'm selling my time." you said. You knew it was probably stupid of you but you were desperate. You'd asked your dad for help but he was disappointed you let your life get this messed up so he wasn't willing to pay your debt. "Look, I promise that I'll just do this once and then that's it, okay?"

Elizabeth stared at you for a few moments before nodding. "Once. Then that's its." she agreed with a heavy sigh. "I gotta go you sure you're gonna be okay?"

You nodded smiling up at her. "I'm only meeting the guy in charge. I'll be fine." Elizabeth nodded before taking her leave.

You were meeting with the person who set the 'Sugar dates' up. They had to get some information about you first before they could give you a Sugar Daddy.

"Miss Y/L/N?" you looked up to a woman stood in front of you.

She was pristine. Perfect blonde hair, make-up sharpe, crisp white blois tucked neatly into a high waisted pencil skirt with gorgeous black heels, no doubt designer like the rest of her.

Yoi nodded gulping. "Yes."

Her eyes quickly flicked over your appearance, smiling a little to herself. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Scarlett."

'... Cocktail bar, walk up to the bar and order a martini with a cherry. Take the cherry out, drink the martini then replace the cherry before pushing the glass to your left. Your a Sugar Daddy will replace your martini on the right before introducing himself as if you were just two strangers who's eyes met across the bar'

Time skip...

After putting on the only dress you owned that was remotely classy and making sure you were somewhat presentable you arrived at the cocktail bar Scarlett had told you to go to.

As she told you, you walked up the bar, order your martini with a cherry, took it out, drank then replaced it. You pushed it off to the side chewing your bottom lip. You were actually doing it. It was actually happening.

"Here you go, sweetheart." your eyes flicked up to a man stood on your right, a fresh martini on the bar and small smirk on his lips.

"First time?" he whispered, leaning in to you as he pushed the martini closer to you.

You gulped nodding. "You caught me." you whispered.

The man smiled a little more nodding. "Relax, sweetheart. I won't bite." he winked at you. "I'm Chris." you're hot.

"Y/N." you smiled shyly as you took his outstretched hand. A blush creeping up your neck as you gasped at the contact.

Chris chuckled softly. "So... You're my Sugar Baby?" he whispered close to your ear. His lips barely brushed your skin and you shivered, biting your lip. Fuck, he was hot. You nodded gulping. Chris' eyes flicked over you slowly. "Your not what I imagined."

You raised your eyebrow at him. "What were you imagining?" you asked.

"Something like the others Scarlett usually sets me up with..." he answered before stepping back. "Hungry? I'm starved." he rubbed his stomach. "Let's eat."

Time skip...

'You're different to the other girls, Y/N.

I am? How?

I'm not sure. Usually Scarlett sends a girl who is obviously doing it for more money, where as you don't seem like the type of girl to do this.

I'm afraid I am, Chris. It was either do this or be homeless.

So you're doing it to live...

Yes. I needed a quick way to make some money to pay my rent whilst I looked for a permanent solution. This was the quick solution. Trust me, it's not exactly what I thought I'd see myself doing at 25.

And what did you see yourself doing?

Using my writing degree for one. Not using my savings to by my groceries with.'

Time skip... The next morning...

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