Part 29

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Chris sat beside you in silence with a pleased smile on his face. His hand firmly laid on your knee, sometimes on your thigh, your smooth skin grounding him as he listened to the four of you talk. And as he watched Sebastian squirm beside you.


"Can you blame him for jerking off?" Chris smirked in the mirror as he fixed his collar.

"What? Chris!" You stomped your foot a little. "How can you be so... calm? Sebastian heard us having sex." You pouted.

Chris chuckled, "Sweetheart, it won't have been the first time."  He winked in the mirror before he turned to look at you. "Think about it, baby girl. We've been here nearly a week... Had sex multiple times-"

You gasped, quickly covering your mouth, "Oh, God."

"Baby girl, why does it bother you so much?" Chris asked as he walked over to you. "Hmm? I thought you liked Sebastian?"

You nodded, "Yes, but he's your friend. It's-"

"It's what? Hot? Knowing someone you see almost every day, can hear you having sex. That they wish it was them fucking those sweet moans out of you?" Chris smirked placing his hands softly on your waist.

"What?" Your brow creased as you looked up at him. "You like him hearing?"

Chri shook his head, "No, baby, I like him knowing your mine." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to just below your ear. "Who's are you, baby girl?"



Sebastian's eyes kept drifting to your legs for only a brief moment before snapping back up, a couple of times he met Chris's gaze. He gulped, pulling on his collar.

"Hmm," He cleared his throat, "Excuse me. Just need to use the restroom." Sebastian excused himself.

Chris pushed his chair back, "Me too." He leaned over and pressed a hard kiss to your lips. "Won't be long, princess." He winked before he got up and followed after Sebastian.

You bit your lip smiling as  you watched after Chris. You were excited for the night ahead. You'd never really seen Chris let his hair down like this, and you were going to enjoy every second of it.

Once Chris and Sebastian had returned to the table, the five of you paid the bill (thanks to the company) then headed out. 

"Please, dance with me?" You tugged on Chris's hand, trying to get him to stand from the comfy chair he had taken residence in from the moment you walked into the club.

He shook his head, "Sorry, baby girl, I don't dance."

You pouted, letting him pull you onto his lap. You pressed your lips against his cheek, then his jaw, "Please, daddy, just one dance." You whispered, "I'll do anything."

"Oh, God," Sebastian let out a small groan from his seat beside Chris.

Chris smirked glancing to his friend before he reached up and held your chin. "Anything?" You nodded, cheekily taking his thumb in between your lips and sucking on it. Chris smiled up at you. "Put your leg over the arm." He ordered.

You bit back your grin and through your right leg over the arm of the chair, spreading your legs as you sat on Chris's lap.

"Good girl," Chris praised you, pressing a light kiss to your lips. He slipped his hand up the inside of your thigh and pressed the pads of his fingers against your lace panties. You gasped as he nudged your clit.

Sebastian cleared his throat and began to push himself up from his seat, "I'll leave you-"

"Sit down." Chris spoke sternly. "You said you wanted this, so here we are." Chris pressed his fingers a little harder against your clit, making you clench around nothing.

Sebastian gulped, "Look man, I don't think this is such a good idea. Okay?"

"Why not? You said yourself you've been thinking about fucking her since we got here. Now's your chance." Chris held Sebastian's gaze as he pushed your panties to the side. You let out a low moan as you bit into you bottom lip, your fingernails digging into Chris's shoulder as he slowly pushed one finger inside your pussy.

Sebastian's eyes dropped to where Chris's hand was, "Oh, fuck," He gulped, "She's your girlfriend, Chris."

Chris nodded, turning his gaze on to you. "Tell him." Chris smirked. He leaned in and began pressing kisses against your throat, lightly nipping every now and then.

"I-" You moaned, "I, heard you, jerking off... oh, oh, fuck," You mewled as Chris pushed a second finger inside you. "And, daddy said, he knew I liked it... I-I did, God, it was hot." You dropped your head into Chris shoulder.

Chris pulled his fingers out of you and reached up, grabbing a hold of you chin and turned your face so you were looking at Sebastian. His fingers glistened with your juices against your cheek. "Tell him." He ordered.

"I, rode daddy, thinking about you listening to us." You whimpered.

Sebastian gulped, eyes wide.

"And..." Chris pushed.

"Daddy said, because I'm... such a good girl, I can have a treat." You whispered.

Chris grinned as he pushed his fingers into your mouth. You moaned around his fingers, licking yourself off them. "See, you're nothing more than her treat. This isn't for you, it's for her." His glared narrowed, darkened as he withdrew his fingers from your mouth. "Understand?"

Sebastian gulped and nodded, "Understood."

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