Part 27

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With a heavy sigh, you fidgeted in your seat some more. Bored, tired, and aching from being stuck in the same place for the last 20+ hours. You'd lost count at number seven, and you couldn't ask Chris because he was busy 'working' with Sebastian and Anthony. For the first few hours, you had Karen, their PA, to chat with but she'd fallen asleep not long ago, leaving you to sulk. Chris was paying you no attention. Hadn't since taken off, and you didn't like it, bastard.

You folded your arms over your chest and crossed your leg over the other, and let out a heavy sigh before you pouted. God, you were pathetic, but you didn't care. Chris was looking good enough to eat (his dick) in his casual clothes that consisted of some sweats, a dark t-shirt that was a size too small making his biceps look mouth-watering, a baseball cap, and sunglasses, all working with his beard and making you extra horny.

"Y/N, could you get me a beer please?" Chris asked from the table he was sat at with Sebastian and Anthony.

You scowled as you looked over to where he was, tutting. "Do I look like a flight attendant."

Anthony's head fell back as he laughed, "Told!"

Chris's eyes narrowed as he looked over his shoulder. "I asked nicely."

"And it's also the only fucking thing you've said to me since getting on this plane." You snapped, getting up and walking straight past Chris, and the beer, and went into the bathroom.

Chris glared at the door, his hands balling into fists as Sebastian and Anthony laughed even more at him. He didn't care, he'd had a raging hard-on for hours now. Seeing you in your tight yoga pants and a crop top, teasing him with the round shape of your ass, and the obvious lack of bra. He'd been into the very bathroom you were in already, and scoped it out. He could fuck you good in there, and he was going to, now.

"What are you going to do, daddy?" Sebastian mocked him, grinning.

Chris turned his glare to him and slowly began grinning. "I'll show you if you like. Cover your ears if it gets too much." He winked before getting up and marched over to the bathroom.

Sebastian's mouth hung open as he watched Chris bang in the door. Anthony pulled a disgusted face, "Ew, I don't want to hear anything to do with his, naked ass." Anthony cringed as he pulled his earphones out and began to blast music, relaxing into his seat and closing his eyes, blocking everything out.

Sebastian gulped as you opened the door, attempting to walk out of the bathroom only for Chris to grab a hold of your throat and push you back in. "Fuck," He breathed out heavily.
"Baby girl, can you come in here for a minute?" Chris called out from the bathroom in your hotel room. Room, it was more of a small apartment.

"Yep," You put your hairbrush down onto the dresser, "Coming." You let out a small giggle as you made your way over to him. "What do you-" Your mouth fell open as your eyes landed on Chris.

He was stood in front of the sink with a towel just wrapped around his lower half, fresh out the shower, with half his beard shaved off.

"What are you doing?" You gasped.

Chris chuckled, "Having a party. What do you think I'm doing?"

You scowled playfully, "Funny. I meant, why are you shaving your beard?" You pouted.

"It's too damn hot, Y/N. I'm literally, sweating my ass off." He huffed making you giggle. "Could you help?" He held the razor out to you, which you took with a sigh. "Thank you." He smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips lightly.

He raised his chin and you began to run the razor over his skin, every now and then rinsing it in the sink before repeating. You smiled to yourself, thinking about how far you'd come as a couple.

"There," You smiled softly as you dropped the razor onto the sink. You reached up and cupped Chris's cheek.

"How's it feel?" Chris asked.

You shrugged, "It's hard to tell. I'll have to sit on your face to decide." You grinned at him cheekily.

Chris chuckled, running his hands over the curve of your ass that was only covered in your lace panties. "Good job we've got time then, sweetheart." You let out a surprised squeal as he grabbed a hold of the backs of your thighs and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he walked out to the bedroom and dropped you onto the bed. "I think we best try it in various ways, what do you think?" He winked with a giant grin on his face, pulling his towel lose.

Your eyes fell to his hard cock, licking your lips. "Yes, daddy."

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