Part 19

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"We'll leave the two of you alone," Sebastian sent Anthony a wink before they made their exits, leaving you and Chris to stare at one another, barely registering they had left.

You'd have stayed stood in the same spot all night, replaying those words over in your head if it wasn't for a drunk slob bumping into you. You apologized to him, trying to move out of his way but he had other ideas. He put his hand over your ass, squeezing and pulling you closer to him, even as you tried to push him away from you as he breathed heavily against your face.

"HEY!" Chris jumped off his stool and grabbed a hold of the guy, pulling him back from you. "Take your hands off my girl, buddy," He growled, shoving him away from you. He turned back around to face you, taking a deep breath as he held his hand out towards you. "Can we go somewhere and talk, baby girl?"

You slipped your hand into his nodding, "Yes... Daddy,"


Your feet lightly tapped against the hardwood floors as the two of you walked across Chris's apartment in silence.

Neither of you had said anything yet, you'd just stayed by the others side holding hands as you made your way to wherever it was you were going. Chris had intended on taking you to a diner or a restaurant to talk, but you were the one who gave his address to the taxi driver, surprising him.

Chris let out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hands through his hair, "Fuck, I can't-" He grunted storming towards you.

You turned to look at him, "You can't wha-"

Chris cupped the side of your face, pulling you closer and crashed his lips against yours in a hungry and sloppy kiss. You moaned into his mouth and you wrapped your arms around his waist, your hands clawing at his back. You stumbled backward as Chris's tongue slipped into your mouth, deepening your kiss until your back was pressed against the wall.

You pulled back gasping for air. Chris rested his forehead against yours as he gently trailed his hands down your body and rested them on your hips. "I love you," He whispered, his warm breath tickled your lips and smelt like the beer he'd been drinking all night.

You closed your eyes as you shook your head, "How?"

Chris frowned a little as he pulled back from you, "What do you mean, how?"

"I mean... I'm just, your sugar baby, Chris," You shook your head, slipping out from Chris' hold, "I'm not, someone you fall in love with. I'm not, worth it." Your voice broke as you walked away from him to put some space between you.

"Don't say that!" Chris shouted as he spun around to face you. He once again stormed towards you reaching out for you but you smacked his hands away from you. "Why are you trying to fight me, Y/N?"

"Because, Chris, you're scaring me!" You cried.

"I'm scaring you? How am I scaring you?"

"Because... I love you, too!" You covered the sob that left your mouth, sitting down on the couch. "But... compared to you, compared to whoever you loved before me... Hayley... Emily... I don't fit into this world. I'm only as good as what you pay me. That's all I'm worth, whatever you think I am after you've fucked me," You wiped your tears with the back of your hand, looking down at them after. "I'm scared because you'll realize one day, I'm not worth any of it." You looked up to meet Chris's teary gaze. "I'm scared, because... I need you,"

Chris let out a shaky breath as he nodded. "Please, stop comparing yourself to others, Y/N," He sat down next to you, falling back into the cushions as he let out a heavy sigh. "You're worth more than that. I didn't fall in love with any of them, I fell in love with you," He sighed softly, "And, Jenny," Chris closed his eyes as he ran his hands down his face, "Yeah, she was apart of this, world," He shook his head sitting up, frowning as he thought about the woman he once thought he loved. "But, look at what she did. She broke my heart, Y/N, she broke me."

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