Part 9

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WARNINGS: Okay, so, here comes a little smut... Cock sucking, swearing, daddy kink... 18+ readers please!

‘Relax, your first day will be easy.’

“Liar!” you announced as you walked into Chris’ office without knocking, usually you would but you were a little annoyed at him.

Chris looked up from his paperwork surprised by your outburst. “Excuse me?” he raised his eyebrow.

“You heard me.” you answered as you shut the door behind you before walking up to his desk. “You said my first day would be easy.” you frowned at him as you handed him his newly rescheduled diary and his phone. Boy was he unorganised. “And so far, it has not.”

Chris raised his eyebrow as he took them, looking at his phone for moment trying to figure out how you had gotten it. “How-”

“You left it in the car this morning with like a billion unanswered messages and emails. I’ve answered everything for you, rescheduled your diary and even booked your flights for your trip to London next week.” you smiled at him as you sat down in a chair opposite him.

Chris nodded slowly as he sat back in his chair, he couldn't help his eyes wondering over your form fitting outfit. Boy was he glad to make you his PA, you looked hot as hell in a pencil skirt. He cleared his throat as he felt himself getting hot before he opened up the diary. The left side of his mouth began to rise as he glanced over your handwriting. “You have been a busy little bee, haven’t you?” he looked up from the book to see you nodding with a slight grin on your face. “Thank you, Y/N, you didn’t have to do all this.” he said as he sat forwards.

“It’s my job.” you shrugged your shoulders a little before standing up. “And, I should be getting back to it.” you smiled at him.

Chris nodded as he took a deep breath, glancing back down to his diary. “Okay and, thanks again.” he smiled slightly as he watched you leave his office.

For a long moment Chris just sat there looking at his phone that was laid on his desk. You’d managed to do everything for him in just a few hours. For the first time in months his morning had run smoothly. He’d walked into his office and not been interrupted, his diary and schedule were readable, organised and made sense, he wasn’t double booked, his inbox was empty and his phone was clear, he’d had breakfast, lunch and coffee. Plus, you’d organised his next business trip he hadn’t even known about.

“What a woman.” he let out a short chuckle before grabbing his phone and making a call.
“No, I’m afraid Mr Evans is in meetings all day and won’t be available to speak with you until tomorrow… Of course, I’ll let him know. Thank you… Have a nice day.” you hung up the office phone with a slight smile.

You were loving your new job, much better than your old one; no drunks hitting on you and you didn’t smell like rotten alcohol or sick. Plus, getting to see Chris all day, dressed in his form fitting suits and sounding dominant and commanding was a real turn on. Fuck, he was hot. Even though he was extremely unorganised and you could tell he was a stress head just from hearing a brief phone call this morning, you knew he was going to be a good boss...

“Hmm… Miss Y/L/N?” you looked up from your desk to the young man that was stood in front of you holding a giant bouquet of flowers.

You hummed with a slight nod. “Yes.”

The young man handed you the flowers before bidding you goodbye. Who could have sent you flowers? You frowned slightly as you pulled the little white card out that had been placed with them, smelling the beautiful pale flowers in front of you.

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