Part 36

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Growing up, you never really enjoyed holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas, you didn't even enjoy Easter.

Your mother was always drunk and your father was always too busy with work (or his affairs), so neither celebrated them with you and when you did manage to celebrate Christmas together it was always full of shouting and things being smashed. When your parents divorced and your mother left, things got worse (if that was possible), you would spend the holidays with the nanny. Then when you were old enough you were sent off to school where your father left you. Things did change when you went to college though, not by much, you never spent the holidays with your father but you did have Elizabeth to spend them with.

This year was different. You were spending the holidays with Chris and his family. Last year he was too busy working to relax so he didn't really have time to have a Thanksgiving or Christmas, he didn't even have time to decorate his apartment for Christmas. Some company came out and did it for him. Christmas last year was spent between the sheets of Chris' bed as he fucked you into the mattress over and over... Come to think of it, it was still a pretty decent Christmas.

Chris promised that this year the two of you would spend the holidays with his family, both Thanksgiving and Christmas and you were thrilled.

You sat on the floor with Dodger between your stretched out legs, your fingers running through his fur as the whole family recovered from dinner. Your bellies were full to bursting, Chris even had to undo his belt and you weren't far behind him.

A sudden scream from down the hallway made you jump and look up to where they were. Scott was almost falling on the floor with laughter as Chris yelled at him for being an idiot. You rolled your eyes playfully and began laughing at Chris, the two of them had been doing this all day.

"What are you laughing at?" Chris grinned at you, sitting behind you on the sofa with his legs spread to either side of you.

You shook your head, "You if you insist on screaming like a little girl." You giggled, laying your head back to look at him.

Chris rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest, "I didn't scream like a little girl." Your mouth was almost watering at the sight of his bulging biceps.

"You did," Chris' little niece giggled from beside him, making you laugh along with Scott and the other family members.

"Oh, I see how it is!" Chris reached out and began tickling her sides making her squeal with laughter.

Dodger jumped up from his spot and up onto his dad's lap, licking and barking, joining in on the fun making the family laugh even more.

"Oh, Dodger, come on," You giggled. You pushed yourself up from the floor and pulled him off Chris. "I think we best let you out for a pee before you do it all over your papa." You snickered thinking back to the time Dodger did accidentally pee a little on Chris when he got excited.

Chris smiled to himself as he watched you disappear through the house talking to Dodger. His heart was full of love, and happiness. He loved seeing you relaxed and smile, and laugh with his family.

His niece and nephews loved you and were always wanting to spend time with you when you visited. They'd even started calling you their auntie recently, everyone pretended they hadn't even noticed but they did. You did, the little smile that tugged at the corner of your lips ever time they used the title gave you away. His mother and brother, and sisters all adored you and had taken you in as part of the family. They knew how much you loved Chris, and they loved you.

"Excuse me," Chris smiled warmly at his mother before getting up from the sofa and following the path you and Dodger had taken. His hand slipping into his pocket as watched you through the window, the tips of his fingers brushing over that all too familiar box that sat there waiting.

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