Part 14

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You looked up from your phone at the mention of your name, a little confused by who was calling you but then you began smiling when you saw who it was. "Professor Hiddleston." You smiled as you got up from where you were sat.

He held his hand up with a chuckle. "Tom, please, I haven't been your professor in years." He smiled, accepting the hug you offered him. "How have you been?"

You nodded, sitting back in your seat, offering the other one to him. "Good, thank you. And you? Still teaching I hope?"

"Of course, I'm not retired yet." He chuckled making you laugh. "Although, none of them will ever, be as good as you, Y/N."

You blushed a little looking down to your hands. "Well, that's only because I actually enjoyed, your lectures, Professor- I mean, Tom." You smiled at him.

He smiled back, a brief silence filling the space between the two of you before he cleared his throat. "So, hmm, what are you doing now? Work wise I mean? I hope you're not still at that God awful waitressing job?"

"Oh, no," You shook your head. "I'm actually a PA for the CFO at Downey Industries." You smiled, feeling sort of proud to be able to say you weren't just a waitress anymore.

"Wow, that's, that's something." He nodded, a slight frown taking over his features. "So, decided against the, writing career?"

"No, just, hasn't happened yet." You shrugged.

He nodded, going silent once again before he sat up. "Do you want, it to happen? Or, are you happy where you are?"

"Well, I've always wanted to do some form of writing, of course but, I'm surprisingly enjoying what I'm doing." You smiled, thinking back to Chris.

"Being some rich guys lap dog?" Tom frowned.

"It's not like that. I do much more than." Suck his dick for one. "You'd be surprised what I have to do some days."

"Y/N, you had so much potential to be a great writer. You just needed to find the right path." Tom reached out and put his hand on yours, taking you by surprise.

You cleared your throat, pulling your hand away. "What if doing what I'm doing now, is the correct path?" You raised your eyebrow at him with a soft smirk making him smile.

"Tell you what," He reached into his coat pocket and pulled a pen out. "I've got a friend that runs a couple of magazines, and what have you, give me a call and we'll see what we can do." He smiled as he took your napkin and wrote something, most likely his number, on it.

"Oh, no, I can't-"

"It's fine, honestly. You know I'd do anything for you, love." He smiled getting up. "I best get going, but make sure you call me."

You nodded picking the napkin up. "Hmm, yes, of course, thank you." You gave him another hug before he walked out of the coffee shop. You sat back in your seat looking at the blue byro scrawled across the white napkin, there was no harm in thinking about it, was there?

"Who's your friend?" Emily appeared next to you, stirring her drink.

"Oh," You grabbed the napkin and slipped it into your bag. "My, old college professor." You offered her a small smile. "Just, happened to bump into him."

"You looked awfully cosy... Love." She sneered before walking off.

Bitch, you thought as you grabbed what was left of your coffee and left.


"I'm glad you're back." You smiled against Chris' chest as you cuddled into his side.

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