Part 16

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You sat on your kitchen counter in nothing but Chris' shirt, watching him as he made a late-night snack for the two of you, in nothing but your silk robe that was entirely too small for him. It definitely was an enjoyable sight. It was far too early to be eating breakfast but after your night of passionate sex, the two of you were starving.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Chris spoke softly as he turned to face you holding a plate with a couple of ham sandwiches for you both. "I hope you know that?" He asked looking up to meet your gaze.

You nodded letting out a soft sigh. "I know," You gave him a small smile as you reached out and took a sandwich from him. "I hope you know I wasn't lying? I never would, Chris,"

Chris nodded. "I know," He tried to smile but you could see it in his eyes, he was hurting.

"You sure?"

He hummed nodding. "I do,"

You nodded taking a deep breath. "I know, you're not one to, you know, share your feelings and, that's not, what you want out of this relationship," You spoke as you placed your snack down and reached out to thread your fingers through his bedhead of hair. "But, I hope you know that if there's ever anything you want to talk about, regardless of how small or how silly you think it might be," You smiled warmly as Chris' eyes fell closed and he let his head lull into your hand, needing to feel more of you. "You can always talk to me," You removed your hand as you picked your sandwich up once again, taking a rather unflattering mouthful, moaning as you finally had something to eat.

Chris was silent for almost five minutes whilst you happily ate, until he cleared his throat. "I was in love,"

You stopped chewing as you stared at him, not quite sure you heard him correctly. "Excuse me?" Your voice was muffled around the bread still in your mouth.

The corner of his mouth crooked up as he looked at you. "Sorry, I should let you finish first,"

You shook your head as you swallowed your mouthful. "No, go on, please?" You gave him a pleading look, desperate to hear him.

He nodded taking another deep breath. "Before us, before, even thinking about the while 'Sugar' thing," He frowned. "I was, in love... madly," He shook his head with a small scoff. "I had an engagement ring and everything, picked out... But then, one day, I found out she'd been, sleeping with another man," He cleared his throat trying to hide his tears that had begun to form.

Tears filled your eyes as you practically watched Chris' heart all over again. "Oh, Chris,"

He shook his head. "You know how I found out? Because she stupidly backed her phone up to my laptop so all of their 'shared' pictures were there waiting for me," He shook his head slowly as his tears fell.

You lept off the counter as quickly as you could and wrapped your arms around his waist as he dropped forward, silently sobbing, clutching hold of your smaller frame in his arms.

"Finding that number after Emily had told me about that so-called date, it freaked me out, pushing my anxiety into overdrive, made me feel like I was going through all that, shit again,"

"Shhhh, hey, you don't have to apologize for that, okay? What she did was awful, Chris." You rubbed soothing circles over his back as you spoke against his chest. "I could never do anything like that to you, I lo- hmm, I care too much about you," You smiled as Chris squeezed you closer to him.

"I know," He whispered into your hair before pressing a kiss to it. "I do trust you, Y/N, you know that right?"

You nodded taking a deep breath. "I do," You smiled as you lifted your head from his chest. "There's not many people who trust someone who's been fired for stealing,"

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