Part 12

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Dear Miss Y/L/N,

We are happy to report you have successfully completed full repayment of the Department of Educated student loan. Congratulations on reaching this exciting goal!

You wanted to be annoyed with Chris, angry even but you just couldn't. Your debts were finally cleared, plus the money you wouldn't have to spend on them would get put into your savings and for the first time in, well ever, they were healthy.

When Chris had surprised you with dinner after a hard Friday at work you were already quite taken back but then when he handed you the envelope you'd been dreaming of since you left college, tears welled in your eyes and threatened to fall. Chris' face dropped when he heard your voice crack when you asked 'why?', he was worried you weren't happy.

'Because you deserve it, Y/N. These past four months have been the easiest of my life and that's because of you. And, for the first time in a long time I've got someone in my life I'm not scared to... hmm... care about.'

That was it. You had to leap into Chris' lap and wrap your arms around his neck as you crashed your lips against his to stop yourself from (ugly) crying right there in front of Chris and the entire restaurant whom were probably already staring at you. You didn't care, you were happy...


You stood by Chris' side in the elevator as the pair of you went over his schedule for the day. After a long and relaxing (sex filled) weekend the pair of you were back to work.

"Your Skype meeting with Mr Hemsworth has been moved to tomorrow due to technical issues on his end, he sends his apologies."

"Other words he's enjoying the sun too much with his gorgeous wife and can't be bothered to put pants on yet." Chris chuckled, glancing down at you making you smile.

"Isn't that the whole point of Skype, not wearing pants?" you smirked, looking up to meet Chris' gaze.

He began grinning and turned so he was looking down at you. "And what do you use Skype for, Miss Y/L/N?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye. You tried not to blush under his gaze as you rolled your eyes playfully, choosing to ignore his question. "Hmm, perhaps I'll not bother getting you a plane ticket next time I'm horny and away on a business trip."

"Chris!" you smacked your hand against his firm chest playfully as you began giggling at his bad joke, making him chuckle. You let the silence fill the elevator for only a minute before you cleared your throat and whispered. "You'd miss having me wrapped around your cock."

"Would I now?" Chris tone became deeper, sending tingles down to your to your core as the two of you just stared at each other, silently challenging the other to make a move.

You sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth, nodding, looking up to him with innocent eyes. "You have a meeting-" Chris rolled his eyes and let out a loud sigh, making you giggle.

As soon as the doors to the elevator opened on your floor, the pair of you stepped out as you discussed Chris' schedule for the day. You had barely gotten half way when you were interrupted by someone shouting your name.

You looked up and smiled when you saw one of the few friend's you'd made since working for Chris. "Hey, Hayley, how are you?" you gave her a quick hug.

"I'm great, thank you." she smiled, glancing up to Chris. "Christopher." she nodded her head before pulling you away from him, smiling as she did.

Chris smiled, greeting her warmly before turning his attention to you. "Come in once you've finished, please, Y/N. I'd like to go over the rest of my schedule before I get started."

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