Part 7

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The next morning when you woke you let out a satisfied sigh as you snuggled deeper into the warmth. It smelled like Chris and you wanted to stay there all day. The bed was a large, black wooden frame with a high high board that acted as support for the mounting of fluffy pillows your head rested on. The grey and white sheets were the most comfiest things you'd ever had wrapped around your body and you were a fiend for fluffy covers.

Even though you had cocooned yourself in the bed covers you were still able to glance around Chris' bedroom. There was a black wooden bedside table on either side of the bed with a silver lamp on each. The walls were painted in a light grey colour, the furthest wall from you on the left was completely glass covered by a blind of sort which meant there was a window of some size there. A fluffy white rug laid under the bed cover a larger part of the dark wooden floor and to the right of you there was another room.

"Y/N? You awake?" you heard Chris' voice after a knock on the door.

"No." you mumbelled from deep in your cocoon.

Chris pushed the bedroom door open slightly and began chuckling when he saw you. "Comfy?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Very." you nodded with a small grin. You quickly looked over his attire noticing he wasn't wearing his casual clothes from last night but instead grey sweatpants that left hardly anything to the imagination and a white t-shirt. "Hmm... t-shirt, highlighting his massive biceps. Damn! "M'sorry. Do you want me to leave?" you asked as you pushed yourself up a little only to have Chris step forwards shaking his head.

"Oh, no, no... I just, came to check on you." he smiled softly at you. "You know, after last night?" he gave you a saddened look.

You sighed deeply as you moved so you were sat against the headboard. "Yeah-" you shrugged a little. "I guess... I dunno..." you sighed looking up to him. "M'sorry."

Chris chuckled lightly shaking his head. "As long as you're okay, that's all that matters to me, sweetheart." he smiled softly down at you. There was a moment of silence that settled over you. As much as he didn't want to pester you about last night, Chris needed to know what happened. "Hmm... you are, okay, aren't you? It's just, you don't have to tell me if you're not ready but, sweetheart, I couldn't sleep a wink last night thinking about what happened and, I don't even know what happ-"

You dropped your head at his words as the tears began to slowly fall. You'd only know Chris a matter of two weeks and here you were sleeping in his bed, wearing his clothes after calling him at stupid o'clock, drunk and upset. God you were a mess.

"Hey, hey... c'mere." Chris quickly closed the gap between you, jumping onto his bed so he could wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest. "Shh... I've got you."

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this..."

Chris frowned pulling back from you slightly. "You didn't drag me into anything, Y/N."

You nodded gulping. "I did. I made you come all that way to get me because I didn't like some guy coming onto me." you sobbed.

He sighed pulling you back into him. "One, the state I found you in was not after some guy just 'coming' on to you, and two... I, hmm, was, already coming, for you." his voice lowered a little as his face grew a light dusting of red.

You frowned slightly yourself, pulling away from him. "Why?" you hiccupped a little.

Chris cleared his throat before he began to explain. "Because, last night, I wanted to talk to you." your eyes widened a little, your mind going to the worst case scenario. "When I heard what's his face, say he wanted to kiss you, it... I dunno, it angered me I guess... the thought of, some other guy thinking he can just, do that, it pissed me off." he sighed deeply.

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