Part 17

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Beads of sweat slowly trickled their way down the curve of your breasts as you laid under the blistering hot sun, the Caribbean sea crashed against the shore, relaxing you more than you ever thought possible.

Yep, being a Sugar Baby was pretty sweet.

"Baby girl," Chris spoke softly as he approached you, not wanting to startle you as you slumbered on your sun lounge.

You lifted your sunglasses and looked up to him as he stood in front of you so he was blocking the sun out of your eyes. "Yes, daddy," You smiled softly up at him.

"You look a little red, want me to put some more sunblock on for you? Wouldn't want you to get a sunburn, would we?"

You glanced down to your legs, the tops of your thighs were a little redder than when you first began sunbathing hours earlier. You nodded with a small hum. "Please, and then I can do yours, daddy," You grinned, excitement bubbling in the pit of your stomach as you thought about getting your hands on Chris' God-like body.

Chris let out a small chuckle as he lowered himself onto his sun lounge beside yours, spreading his legs, silently ordering you. And like the good little girl you were, you followed, standing obediently between his legs, facing him as he squeezed the sunblock into the palm of his hand.

Since day one of your surprise trip to the Caribbean, Chris had really looked after you. He wouldn't even let you carry your suitcase as you left the airport and got into a rather flash looking car that for once Chris wasn't driving. Not that Chris was a terrible driver or anything. You loved seeing him behind the wheel in his car, actually, it got you pretty hot watching his big, strong hands grip the steering wheel. Not having Chris behind the steering wheel meant you could shut the divider to block the driver out and crawl into Chris' lap and make-out.

First Chris applied sunblock to your stomach and hips, then the backs of your thighs, laying a soft kiss to one of your hip bones before he had you turn around where he'd apply more sunblock to your lower back, pressing a kiss to the small of it before he told you to sit.

You sat in front of him biting your bottom lip as he began working some sunblock into your upper back and shoulders, then your neck before working his way to the front of you. Small moans fell from your lips as his hands worked magic across your body, not caring that he was taking advantage of your position and letting his fingertips sneak under your bikini top to flick over your already hard nipple as his other hand snaked between your legs.

"Hmm, already so wet, baby girl," He let out a low chuckle as he brushed two of his fingers through your folds then against your clit.

Your eyes fell shut as your breath caught in your throat as Chris slowly worked your core with his fingers. He laid soft kisses against your neck and throat. The salty fresh air tickled your hot skin as it flowed in from the sea.

You moaned out as Chris sank two fingers inside your wet pussy. "Fuck!"

Chris reached around and turned your face towards him, crashing his lips against yours in a hungry kiss as slowly worked his fingers inside you.  He swallowed your moans, his tongue working against yours as he slowly brought you towards your orgasm.

Your lungs began to burn from the lack of air, but you didn't care, by God did you feel amazing as Chris fingered you. His lips latched onto your throat, sucking and nibbling as he rubbed your clit with hi thumb. You moaned and mewled his name as your pussy tightened around his fingers.

"That's it baby girl, cum for daddy," He whispered, his low, deep voice sent you over the edge.

You cried out, your eyes screwing shut, your fingernails digging into the cushion of the sun lounge. Chris worked you through your orgasm, his other hand kneaded your breast slowly.

" Good girl," Chris whispered against your cheek. He withdrew his fingers, lifting them to your lips as he pressed his lips against your skin. You obediently sucked on Chris' fingers, moaning at your own sweet taste. "Hmm, fuck, baby girl,"

You let out a small giggle, "Thank you, daddy," You wiggled your but against his hard cock. "Would you like me to help you with that?" You asked, looking to him over your shoulder, biting your bottom lip seductively.

Chris nodded, grinning. "I would, baby girl, but not out here," He winked, hooking his arm under your legs and around your back as he stood up, making you squeal and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Don't fancy anyone seeing your butt?" You giggled.

Chris chuckled. "More like I don't want them to see you, baby girl, you're all mine," He leaned down pressing his lips against yours as he headed towards the villa.

Yep, the life of a Sugar baby was good...

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