Part 21

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Chris smiled to himself as he watched you dance and laugh along with Sebastian. You looked beautiful tonight, that's not to say you don't always look beautiful to him, but tonight especially. The way your curves were being hugged in your dress and the scarlet colour really brought out your eyes. Your hair was pulled back from your face and allowed him to leave soft, loving kissing against your neck any chance he could.

"Can you stop with the whole, lovesick puppy look, please? It's disgusting," Robert teased Chris 

making him roll his eyes playfully.

Chris let out a light sigh, "There's nothing lovesick about me, okay?"

Robert scoffed, "Please. I know, that look. I wear, that look," He smiled, "There's nothing to be ashamed about, kid. I'm happy for you," He smiled, clapping his hand against Chris's shoulder. "Just, don't be too you."

Chris raised his eyebrow, "Too, me?" He asked looking back over to you.

"You know, paranoid, grumpy, stubborn, annoying, childish... oh, and jealous,"

"Jealous?" Chris scoffed.

Robert nodded, "Yeah. Like, right now, you see how your jaw is tensing up the more you watch, Stan, with his hands all over, Y/N," Robert teased, "You're itching to go over there and get him away from her, aren't ya'?"

Chris shook his head, "No,"

"No? Erm, didn't you punch Y/N's former professor because he kissed her?" Robert asked.

"That was different,"

Robert rolled his eyes, "Right, and you kicking off with her before she had time to explain everything, that was what, exactly?"

 Chris shook his head, "Still different,"

"Sure... Look, all I'm saying is, Y/N is a lovely young girl. She's caring, polite, clearly, she's in love with you, ya' jackass, keeps you in place, feisty puts others before herself and she's not like the other brain dead girls you've been... you know, with but most importantly, Chris," Robert turned to face him, "She's not, Jenny."

Chris let out a heavy sigh, "Yes, I know."

Robert shook his head, "No, I don't think you do."

"And what does that mean?"

"Well, treat her like your girlfriend, for one. Do you think when I and Mrs. Downey got together we kept our, contract? No, we did not. You need to be able to trust her, without a legal document being involved, Chris. Take some time off, yeah? Do couple things, together. Go to IKEA or something. Don't spend money on her, treat her like a princess but on a budget. As I said, she's not like others, okay?" Robert nodded with a smile before he left Chris to think about things.

Why did he open up to him, really? All he got was a lecture or a telling off from him.

"Hey," You smiled at Chris as you came to a stop in front of him, "You okay?"

Chris hummed returning your smile as he slipped his free hand that wasn't holding his drink, over your hip and pulled you closer to him. "Perfectly fine, baby girl," He whispered, "Are you? You looked like you were having fun with, Seb,"

You nodded, "I was, but I much rather be having fun with you," You grinned, wiggling your eyebrows at him suggestively making Chris chuckle. "Come dance with me, please?"

Chris began to protest but the moment you began to bat your eyelashes at him and beg, he couldn't find it in him to say no.

You let out a small victory laugh before taking his drink and finishing it for him before placing it on a nearby table, then proceeded to lead him over to the dance floor that was already filled with other guests.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" Chris whispered against your temple as th repair of you began to slowly sway to the classical music that was being played by the small orchestra band.

You nodded with a grin, "You have,"

"Okay, good," Chris smile, placing a light kiss against your skin, "Have I told you that I love you?"

You let out a small giggle, "Yes, you've also told me that." You pulled back slightly, smiling up at him, "You sure you're okay?"

Chris nodded, "I'm sure. Why? Do I not look okay?"

You shook your head, "No, no, you look... positively, glowing," You giggled.

Chris's head fell back as he began laughing, "Positively glowing? Isn't that what you say to pregnant women?"

You burst out laughing along with him, "I guess, but it's true. I like it when you smile,"

"Well, snap, I like it when you smile, too," He leaned into you until your lips brushed against his, "I also like it when you kiss me," He whispered making you blush, pressing his lips against yours.

You let out a soft moan as you slowly began to slide your hands up and over Chris's shoulders, your fingers carded through his brown locks, tugging slightly. Chris let out a low growl as his large hands held you closer to him, lightly squeezing at your curves as you opened your mouth and allowed his tongue to slip between your lips to deepen your kiss.

Chris eventually pulled back from you, licking his lips before letting out a satisfied sigh. "Let's go home, shall we?"

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