Part 24

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A warm feeling spread through your body as you watched Chris smiling proudly as he danced with his sister. From the moment she stepped into the room, dressed in white and looking like she belonged in a Disney film, Chris had tears in his eyes and that giant smile on his face. The whole day had been amazing. Full of smiles, tears, love, and laughter.

"May I have this dance?" You looked up to Shanna's new husband, Richard, as he stood beside you holding his hand out to you with a kind smile. "C'mon,"

You nodded, "Okay," You smiled back as he led you over to the dance floor to join the others.

There was a quiet moment between the two of you as you began to dance together, chuckling as you watched Chris and his family goof around before Richard cleared his throat. "You're doing fine, so relax," He whispered.

You lifted your head to look at him, blushing slightly, "Am I that obvious?" You let out a nervous chuckle.

Richard chuckled, "Meeting the in-laws is a big deal. Meeting them at the same time as the rest of the family, just before a wedding where you know only one person, is an even bigger deal and you're handling it, brilliantly. SO, as I said, relax." He smiled.

You nodded slowly, "How did your first meeting go?"

Richard began laughing, "Oh, well, Shanna forgot to tell me that they were coming over for dinner, and she was late finishing work. By the time they all arrived at her place, I was just walking out the bedroom, butt naked, about to get myself a beer, and they all walked in the front door."

You burst out laughing. "Oh, God. Well, that's still better than Chris's meeting with my dad,"

"Oh?" Richard chuckled, intrigued to hear the disaster story.

You hummed, "Chris ended up joining us at dinner and my dad was being his usual disappointed self, and Chris just stood up and told my dad he was an ass and basically, told him off, right there in front of the whole restaurant because he was being rude towards me,"

Richard chuckled, "Yeah, that sounds like Chris." He smiled, "Look, as long as you look after Chris, and... and don't, hurt him like, he has been before, Lisa and the girls will love you."

You nodded, "And what about Scott?"

"He already does. So do I," Richard grinned, "You're going to fit in perfectly with our family." He smiled before pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, "I best go, I've been summoned by the wife."

You nodded with a warm smile, feeling tears fill your eyes. You let out a slow breath before heading towards the door that led you outside.

You walked over to a small wall just a little way from the door and sat down, breathing in the fresh air deeply. You hadn't realized how warm you had gotten, the cold evening breeze felt good against your skin.

"Baby girl?" Chris stepped out not long after you, "You okay?" He asked as he walked over to you, sitting down beside you.

You nodded smiling softly, "I'm good, daddy," You whispered resting your head on his shoulder as he slipped his arm around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I just needed a little air."

"Hmm, it is getting a bit stuffy in there, isn't it,"

You grinned lifting your head and looked up at him, "Maybe that's from all the dancing you've done." You teased.

Chris chuckled, "Don't be jealous of my moves." He winked, "And don't think you're getting away with not busting some moves with me." He leaned forwards capturing your lips with his. You let out a satisfied hum before he pulled back, studying you for a split second, "You sure you okay? I saw you and Richard talking."

You let out a small laugh, "I'm sure, baby. He was just telling me about his first time meeting you guys."

Chris let out a hearty laugh as he thought about the memory. "Oh, yeah, that was," He shook his head with another laugh, "I thought Ma was gonna piss her pants,"

"Oh, God," You hid your laugh behind your hand.

The laughter slowly died down between you, leaving you in a comfortable silence as Chris just held you against him.

"You know, you look absolutely beautiful today," Chris pressed another kiss to your forehead.

You smiled looking up to him, "You don't look so bad yourself," You smiled as you raised your hand to cup his cheek. Chris had trimmed his beard much shorter than usual, and he looked good, then again he always does. "You look happy."

He nodded, "I am." He smiled, "Because of you," You rolled your eyes with a light scoff making Chris chuckled, "What? It's true. Every time I've looked at you today, you've been smiling or laughing, getting on with my family like, you've known them all years. Every time I've looked at you, I've fallen even more in love with you,"

You blushed, shaking your head, "How drunk are you?" You teased.

Chris scoffed before jumping up, "Right," He grabbed a hold of your hand and pulled you up from where you sat. "I'll show you," He grinned as he dragged you back inside to join the party again.


You stood outside the front of the venue saying your goodbyes to Shanna and Richard, but there was one more thing to do before they departed for there honeymoon. The throwing of the bouquet.

"I say, we make a run for it," Chris whispered in your ear as everyone turned their attention to the newlyweds.

You raised your eyebrow, "Why?"

"Well, Shanna is definitely going to be aiming this way," He chuckled, nodding over to where his mother was whispering something in his sister's ear. "And, I don't know about you, but I don't want them to be anymore, suffocating towards us, do you?" He gave you a pointed look.

He had a point. As glad as you were that everyone liked you, it was starting to make you uncomfortable how much they 'loved' you. Like, calm down man, you don't even live together properly.

You nodded, "Let's make a run for it," You grinned at him.

"That's my girl." Chris pressed his lips against yours in a passionate kiss before he began grinning. "Ready?" He whispered, taking your hand in his as you nodded.

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