Part 30

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Warnings: swearing, fingering, oral f-recieving/m-recieving, threesome M/F/M, 18+ readers only

Chris's hands never left you from the moment you began to leave the club. He was being possessive, showing Sebastian that you belonged to him. A year ago you'd have made a fuss, demanded to be treated like a person and not a possession but it filled you with excitement and need, to know Chris had this claim over you that he wanted, not only for others to know that you were his but he was yours.

You were a little confused when Chris had said he wanted to give Sebastian to you as a gift. You thought it might have been a trick, to see if you were so willing to cheat on him, like Jenny, but you weren't. You really didn't need to sleep with Sebastian. Then Chris explained that Sebastian was basically a toy for you to use and at the same time Chris would be able to remind his friend that you were his girl.

"I'm going to make this clear," Chris began to speak once he had the door to your suite shut.

You had already walked ahead of the two men and walked into your ensuite, needing to splash some water onto your face because you couldn't quite believe that this was happen. Sebastian was stood just before the bedroom door, a little apprehensive with the whole thing.

"This is a one time thing, Sebastian." Chris's tone was calm and strong, like he was in charge of one of his meetings, directing his team to achieve what he wanted.

Sebastian nodded, "I understand."

"Good. Because, I don't want you thinking anything more into tonight. Like I said before, this is for my baby girl, for behaving so well and doing as I, ask." Chris stepped closer to him. "You don't get to do, anything, unless she says and I give my permission. You don't kiss her. You wear a condom, IF, I decide that's where it is going. This isn't about your, pleasure, Sebastian, this is about hers. Got it?" Chris held Sebastian's stare.

His whole demeanor was screaming man in charge and as you peaked through the crack in the door, you couldn't help rub your thighs together. What had he done to you? You were powerless and willing to bend over and do as he wanted.

"Daddy?" You called out softly as you stepped round the door.

Chris smiled lovingly at you before looking back to Sebastian. "We're coming baby girl."

Sebastian nodded, understanding what his friend was offering and fuck was he taking it.

Chris licked his lips as he slowly walked towards you, his eyes drinking you in, knowing exactly what you were wearing underneath your dress.

"I think for now, you can watch, Sebastian. I'm going to show my baby girl how much I love her." Chris winked at you. The mischief swimming in his eyes made you giddy.

You let out a small giggle as you blushed, taking a step closer to him and let him pull you into his arms.

You looked over Chris's shoulder to Sebastian as he agreed and began to walk over to the chair that was in the room. "Naked," You whispered against Chris's ear.

Chris chuckled, "Already being greedy?" Chris teased you, grinning when you started blushing. He turned to face Sebastian as he sat down. "Make yourself comfortable before we begin." Chris spoke as he began to unbutton his dress shirt. "I tend to forget about unimportant things when I'm enjoying Y/N's sweet taste."

You gasped a little, "Chris," You lightly scolded him making Sebastian smile.

"What? No offense, Sebastian, but when you get a taste of her cunt, you'll understand." Chris grinned at you. "Trust me, baby girl, you'll be the exact same." He winked again. "Now, strip."

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