Part 11

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Chris had made sure to cover you with a blanket as you slept on the sofa before he moved to the chair opposite, he didn't want you getting cold due to your lack of clothing and the loss of his body heat. He should probably move you to your room (he'd had his guest room turned into a room you could use if you needed it) but you just looked so peaceful curled up on your side with your head resting on your hands, your hair laying behind you, revealing your neck. Your skin flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat from your afternoon's activities the pair of you had been enduring.

It had been a tiring week for Chris at work, the pair of you had barely spoken outside of his office. He worked until ungodly hours, after sending you home at a decent time, and when he eventually returned home, he would crash most nights on the sofa (the very one you were napping on) in his clothes from the previous day, if he was lucky he'd have managed to get his shoes off.

He wouldn't admit it out loud in fear of showing any sort of unnecessary feelings but he'd missed you this week. Sure, he saw you every day at work but it wasn't the same as holding you as he slipped inside of you, kissing your plump lips or nipping and licking at the flesh of your throat as your soft moans filled the-

The sound of you phone going off for the third time irritated him. Who the fuck was texting you? He reached over and grabbed your phone, sighing as he saw the missed call and unread texts from your father.

Dad: I'm assuming your busy if you don't have time to an...

Dad: You could at least acknowledge me, Y/N...

Dad: I didn't bring you up to be rude, young lady...

Dad: Like I didn't bring you up not to repay your debts...

Chris rolled his eyes as he switched your phone onto silent so you weren't woken up. You needed to sleep, you'd been working just as hard as he had, plus he had just tired you out himself. A slight chuckle left Chris' lips as he thought back to what the pair of you had just finished not even an hour ago. You'd looked so beautiful as you gasped underneath him, your nails digging into his shoulders and back as he moving in and out of you, kissing your jaw and neck, whispering praises as the pair of you got closer and closer.

He was glad you'd stayed the weekend with him. The moment the pair of you had stepped into his place after work on Friday, you'd stripped in front of him so you were just in your black lace underwear and heels. You didn't miss the dark look of lust in his eyes as you looked up to him.

"You need to relax, Daddy, let me help you." you'd purred as you stepped forwards. "Use me." you whispered, laying soft kisses along his beard covered chin and jaw.

"Doll, let me have a minute, okay?  I don't want to be too rough with-"

"I do. Please, daddy, I need you. Now!" you begged, pouting slightly as you looked up at him through your eyelashes. "Please?"

The love bites, scratches, teeth marks and slaps to your bare ass were evidence of what had happened over the last few days. You'd been such a good little Sugarbaby for Chris, not once whining because he'd lacked in the gifts towards you; he needed to make up for it and he knew how.


After a few hours you began to stir, the sound of rain hitting the windows was the only sound you could hear. When you opened your eyes you realised Chris had somehow managed to put his shirt from earlier on you and laid you in the bed that was in the room that was slowly becoming yours.

Over the past few months you'd started to fill the room with clothes and shoes, perfumes, toiletries and hair products, jewellery, cosmetics and anything else Chris had bought you or you'd picked up when you'd been out shopping. When you'd returned to New York after your weekend away, Chris had sorted you out with your own credit card (even though you had protested) and he'd given you a key to his place.

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