Part 28

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"I think we should all go out and celebrate. What ya' say?" Anthony grinned mischievously as the five of you headed back to your hotel in a cab.

It was final, the contract between the two firms was finalized and signed, and business between them could begin. The last couple of days had been busy for everyone. Sometimes requiring you to stay up until the early hours to chat with Robert due to the time difference, but it had been enjoyable. Plus, working that little bit harder and being a good girl instead of a brat was always a good thing, it meant Chris was pleased and you were rewarded. There might no longer be a contract between the two of you but Chris was still very much your daddy.

You looked up to Chris from where you sat in between him and Sebastian, with a soft smile, nodding. "I'm up for it,"

Chris looked up from your hopeful smile and over your head to Sebastian before he looked to Anthony and Karen who were both grinning, "Okay. I think we've all earned it." He smiled.

"Yes!" Anthony cheered, fist-bumping the air making you all laugh. "Okay, so what? Food in the hotel restaurant before we hit the town?"

Everyone gave a collective yes. "Shall I book us in for about eight?" You asked.

"No, Y/N, I'll do it. You've worked your ass off whilst we've been out here." Karen smiled at you before pulling her phone out.

"And before." Sebastian added, "Having to put up with his useless ass." He teased with a wink and looked over to an unamused Chris. "What?" He shrugged smirking.

"Asshole." Chris rolled his eyes, his mouth curling at the sides as he looked out the window, making you giggle.

Before you knew it the five of you were back at the hotel and walking into your rooms to get ready for the night ahead.

"How long will it take you to get ready, baby girl?" Chris asked as soon as he shut the door behind you.

You shrugged, "Couple of hours," You answered. You dropped your bag to the floor and toed your heels off. "Why?" You ask, turning to look at him.

"Well, if that's the case, I reckon we have about an hour to spare." Chris grinned, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously. You bit your lip, nodding, "Hmm?"

You nodded again, "Yes, daddy." You whispered.

Chris grinned, stepping closer to you and cupping your face in between his hands. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours in a hard kiss, pushing his tongue inside your mouth as you moaned. Your hands slid up his back, holding him close to your body.

"I love you," Chris smiled against your lips.

You nodded, "I love you, too, daddy," You smiled and connected your mouth to his again. Your left hand moved down to Chris's waist, pulling his hips closer to you so you could grind against his hard cock.

Chris moved one of his hands down from the back of your head and rested his hand over your backside, smirking into the kiss. "Is it still there, baby girl?" He kissed softly at your jaw and then your neck.

You moaned into the air as Chris softly sucked on your flesh. "Yes, daddy," You groaned, pushing your ass into his hand. "I kept it in as you wanted."

"Good girl," Chris praised and gave your cheek a squeeze. "Can you strip for daddy? I'd like to have a little taste of your pussy, baby girl."

You giggled with a nod.

Chris smiled as he watched you eagerly undress. He was a little shocked when you had brought up wanting to try anal.

It was something you had never really thought about until the other night when the two of you were playing a drunk game of truth or dare with the others. Sebastian had asked Chris if he was an ass man or tits. You already had an inkling he was a man who enjoyed the butt. When you got back to the hotel room, your drunk mind just had to find out if Chris, and I quote, 'had thought about doing things to your butt'. You were drunk, and he burst out laughing, grabbing his left boob which made you laugh, and the pair of you left the subject until the next morning.

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