Part 23

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Your lungs burned and the cold early morning air nipped at your nose as you and Chris ran. You weren't usually one for getting up early and going for a run, but Chris had said he wanted to show you something and this would be the best time. You weren't too happy about the idea of getting up before the sunrise but getting to watch Chris's peachy ass as he ran, was worth it. Damn!

The two of you came to a stop at the top of a small hill that overlooked a meadow. The sun had just started to rise and the orange/yellow glow of the sun shone through the early morning mist.

"Wow," A smile tugged at your lips.

Chris nodded as he let out a satisfied sigh, "Isn't it beautiful?" He slipped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.

You nodded, "It is," You smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Do you come here a lot?" You asked, looking up to him.

Chris shrugged, "Used to when I was growing up. Not so much now I'm older," He let out a soft sigh, squeezing you closer to him. "When I was here last time, I came up here. I came here to think, after me and Ma, had our fight,"

"The message Emily took?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. You remember he wasn't himself when he called you and Emily had taken a message from Lisa, apologizing.

Chris nodded, "Yeah," He sighed. "Every time I come home, the subject of me starting up my own family, always pops up. When are you going to settle down? You should start thinking of having kids? You could be a single father, you know." Chris shook his head with a chuckle.

You pulled back from him surprised. "Kids?"

Chris nodded, "Not just kids, the whole shebang." He chuckled, "Marriage, a house with a white picket fence, dog, kids... She's made it very clear what I could have."

"Is that what you argued about?"

Chris shook his head, "No. We argued because Ma made it clear about her disappointment in me for not following my dreams."

You raised your eyebrow confused, "Dreams?"

Chris nodded, "Of having a family,"

Your eyes widened in shock, "A- A family?"

Chris hummed, "Oh yeah, it's all I've ever wanted, to have a family of my own. Thought I was going to have that family with Jenny, but-" He shook his head as he let out a heavy sigh, "I was crushed when I found out about her cheating, but... I- I was relieved when it all came out because I think apart of me always knew, she, she wasn't the one."

"So, that's what you argued about?"

Chris nodded slowly, "She also found out about our relationship. Scott and I were talking and, she overheard."

"What?" You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand. "Oh my God!" You began to panic but Chris was quick to calm you down.

"Baby girl, please," He grabbed gently at your arms, "It's not as bad as you think." He smiled at you softly.

You shook your head, "How is it not? Your mother must think I'm a whore. And Scott!"

Chris let out an amused chuckle, "My mother, thinks I'm the idiot. She thinks, as well as Robert, I should have torn our contract up months ago," He sighed, "But, I was way too bone-headed to think, anyone could love me without, legally being obliged to. It was easier for me to handle, if it stayed, professional."

You shook your head with a small smile, "You are, an idiot," You giggled, placing your hand on his bicep, "Why do you think I agreed to be your P.A? Why do you think I haven't spent any of the money you've put into my bank account? Because I love you, stupid, not your money. I'm grateful for you helping me with my debts, but I don't want you to pay for any more of my things. I have more than enough money saved now for me to rent my own place and that's because you gave me what I wanted more than anything, a job that I'm proud of." You smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I can't let you do that, Y/N," Chris slipped his arms around your waist.

"What?" You frowned.

"Get your own place." He smiled, "I want you to move in with me."

You nodded with a big grin, "Of course I will, Chris,"

Chris beamed, leaning down and pressing his lips against yours in a loving kiss. You moaned against his mouth. "As soon as we get home, we're throwing the contract in the bin. We're also going to look for our own place," He smiled against your lips before pressing another kiss to your lips. "How's that sound?"

You nodded, "One condition?"

Chris nodded, "Anything, baby girl,"

"We get a dog."

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