Part 32

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You let out a sleepy whine when your hand ran flat over Chris's side of the bed. Your eyes slowly opened with a yawn and a stretch of your limbs. You were a little disappointed to be waking up on your first official morning in your new apartment, alone.

With a pout, you got out of bed and made your way into your ensuite.

Your muscles ached from vigorous amounts of sex you and Chris had had over the course of the last week whilst you moved into your new place and were in desperate need of a soak in the large claw foot bathtub that sat centre of your ensuite.

Once the tub was filled with bubbles and water you submerged yourself into the warmth, letting out a deep moan as your head fell back against the tub. God, it felt good.

"Baby girl?" Chris called out, a few moments later he walked into the bathroom with a raised brow. "What are you doing in there?"

"Soothing my aches." You pouted up at him. "Where did you go? I thought we were going to have breakfast in bed?" You asked in a soft tone.

Chris let out a heavy sigh, "I had to take so paperwork in for Sebastian." He pulled his white t-shirt and grey sweat pants off. You licked your lips at the sight of him not wearing any briefs underneath. "M'sorry, baby girl."

"It's fine," You gave him a soft smile as you move forwards to allow him to sit behind you. The two of you sat back and relaxed in the water together.

"So, what are we doing with our first day in the apartment?" Chris grinned against the side of your head as his left hand played with yours in the water.

"I'm not sure." You chewed on your bottom lip. You knew what you wanted to do.

"Really? You have no idea what you want to do?" Chris smirked. You shook your head with a soft shrug. "If I remember correctly, there's only one more thing left to do, on that list of things you wanted us to complete over the four weeks it's taken us to move in."

"One more? Really?" You grinned to yourself, wiggling your toes excitedly. You knew exactly what the last thing was.

"Yes," Chris rolled his eyes as he laughed. "You know what it is so, don't even pretend." He chuckled.

You smiled over your shoulder at him. "So can we go look?" You but back your grin.

Chris nodded, "It was apart of the deal." He gave you a wink with a smile. "We'll go look right after breakfast. Okay?"

"Yes!" You quickly stood up in the bathtub and hopped out, leaving Chris. "LET'S GO GET A PUPPY!" You sang as you wrapped a towel around yourself without drying off, and left the bathroom, and a trail of water.

Chris groaned as he sank into the bathtub. This was a bad idea.

Chris wasn't sold on the idea of adopting a dog from a shelter, he always thought they were doom and gloom places, full of unwanted street dogs like the one from Lady and the Tramp. But then he walked in and realised he was wrong, and like you, he could have adopted them all, not that he'd let you know that because you would have wanted to do just that. Actually, you even said those words.

"Awe, I could adopt them all!" You cooed over a cute little boxer, and then a Labrador, glancing up at Chris from where you were knelt in front of the cages with a pout and big pleading eyes.

Chris rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle. "You can't adopt them all, Y/N." He shook his head as he turned to look around at the various dogs.

They were all pretty cute.

"This one is so cute... But, so are you. Hey..."

Chris chuckled to himself as he listened to you coo over the dogs. A smile tugged at his lips as he saw a brown and white dog, sat watching him, as if he wanted nothing more than to cuddle. "Hey," Chris whispered as he slowly began to approach the puppy.

You bit your lip nervously as you watched Chris interact with the world's cutest dog

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You bit your lip nervously as you watched Chris interact with the world's cutest dog. Slowly you knelt down beside him, tears threatening to spill as you watched the dog lick excitedly at Chris's hand.

"What do you think about this little guy?" Chris whispered as the two of you stroked the dog the best you could.

You nodded. "He's perfect."

"Down." Chris tried to be firm as he told Dodger to get of your bed. "Dodger, down."

You scowled at Chris as you entered the bedroom, "He's allowed on the bed, so stop being mean." You stuck your tongue out before climbing onto the bed. "C'mere, Bubba," You snuggled Dodger's nose as you laid down beside him.

Chris's mouth fell open as he watched Dodger get all your attention, on his side of the bed. He pouted, walking around to his side. "If he's allowed in our bed, then why we get him one?" He frowned.

"Because, he won't always be in our bed." You shrugged.

Chris pouted. "Just when we are." He rolled his eyes, pushing Dodger over slightly.

"Stop pouting." You grinned sitting up. "C'mon, Bubba, here." You tapped the bottom of the bed so Dodger would move further down. "Happy now?" You stuck your tongue out at Chris as Dodger settled at the foot of the bed.

Chris raised his eyebrow at you. "Don't push your luck, baby girl."

You let out a small giggle, moving a little closer to Chris. "Don't be mad, daddy. You're still my main man." Just as you were about to kiss Chris, Dodger jumped up and flopped down in between you, demanding your attention. "Aw, I'm sorry baby, were we not paying you any-"

Chris scoffed, flopping down onto his side facing away from you. "Great, now I've got a cock block living in my house." He sulked.

You rolled your eyes playfully, reaching over to turn your bedside lamp off and you settled down in bed. You couldn't stop the big grin that was on your face. New home, new puppy, new life with the man you loved, you were-

"Right, I'm sleeping on the fucking couch, that shit stinks." Chris jumped out of bed along with one of his pillows. You belly laughed at his disgruntled state leaving the bedroom.

Dodger quickly rolled over onto Chris' side of the bed victoriously, snuggling down himself for the night, happy and cosy with his new family.

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