Part 6

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You were coming to the end of your second week as a Sugarbaby and you were enjoying it more than what you thought. A dinner here, cocktails there... It was fun. Well, except for the feelings that were starting to bubble for Chris but you put that down to him being super hot. It happens, right?

You pulled your phone out of your bag grinning like a mad man when you saw Chris' name flash up. "Excuse me, gotta take this." you held your phone up to Aaron, Elizabeth's friend, before you headed out to the balcony for a bit of peace and quiet. Not that there was much with the music blaring and people laughing inside.


"Hey, it's me."

You wanted to moan, hearing his voice after a while was good, you'd missed it. "So it is." you giggled. "I didn't expect a call until you got back."

"Got back about an hour ago."

"Ah, how was the trip?" you asked as you leaned on the railing of the balcony.

"It was, good... Yeah..." he let out a sigh.

"Liar. How was it, really?" you smirked, you could practically hear the eye roll.

"Terrible. I'm just glad Sebastian and Mackie were there." he let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh, yeah? And why's that?"

"They insisted on taking me to a... Hmm... Club, to, relax. It was, fun."

"A club is relaxing?" you giggled glancing over your shoulder. A club was anything but relaxing. "What sort of club was it? A strip club?" you giggled at your joke. There was a short silence from Chris before he cleared his throat. "Oh, my, GOD! It was, wasn't it?" you sighed shaking your head. "Pervert." you teased, hoping the peng of jealousy was nothing.

"Hey, I didn't want to go-"

You cut Chris off with a shriek thanks to Aaron. "Get off me." you giggled as he tightened his arms around your waist. "Stop! C'mon, man... That tickles!" you giggled even more as he stuck his face in the crook of your neck laughing along with you.

"Y/N!" Chris shouted for the fourth time, finally getting your attention.

"Whoops! Sorry." you answered trying to push Aaron away from you.

"Are you okay? Where are you?"

"M'fine. I'm out with Elizabeth." you giggled again as Aaron started whispering in your ear. "Stop it..." you hushed him.

"Oh, so, who's Adam? Elizabeth's boyfriend?"

You giggled again. "Aaron and no. He's her friend– ew, did you just lick, me?" you slapped his shoulder.

"Hang up the phone." he pouted.

"Where, are you?" Chris asked gritting his teeth.

"The new club that's opening....... Elizabeth got our names on the list. It's great-"

"Hang up the phone so I can kiss you." Aaron whispered suddenly.

"What?" you gasped turning to look at him only to have him capture your lips with his.

"What? Y/N?"

Chris tried not to get angry as he listen to this jerk, Adam or whatever but he couldn't help it. You were his. Well, you weren't but, you were.

"What?" Chris stared at his phone as the line went practically dead except for the noises coming from the club. "Y/N?" Chris grunted as he put his foot down and drove to where you were.

Chris had managed to get home from his trip a lot earlier than he first expected so he thought he'd go to yours and the two of you could order take out and talk. He'd realised something whilst being away and he was hoping the pair of you could talk things over.

You pulled away from Aaron almost as soon as he'd kissed you. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" you pushed him away from you.

"What? You've been all over me all night. I thought it's what you wanted." he smirked as he stepped closer to you but you stepped round him.

"Definitely, not." you frowned at him. "And, I haven't been all over you. I wouldn't, I have-"

"You have what? A guy who's clearly not interested in you? He's probably been dicking someone whilst he's been away. That's what his type do, Y/N." Aaron laughed. "You're just, another notch on his belt if he does fuck-" your hand collided with his face.

"Fuck you!" you snapped before barging passed him, only to have him grab you by your arm and pull you back. "GET OFF!" you screamed as you struggled against him.

"Stop being a little brat." he hissed as he turned you around. You took this as your chance. You swung your arm round and punched him in the face before you raised your knee and kicked him in his crotch.

"NEVER FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN!" you screamed at him before you left him.

The moment you stepped back into the club you began to panic and tears filled your eyes. You couldn't go find Elizabeth, Aaron would and you just wanted to get away from him. You went to grab your purse only to realise you must have dropped it when Aaron grabbed you which meant you had no money and you certainly wasn't going back, plus your jacket was with Elizabeth.

You looked down to your phone and quickly dialled Chris' number as you began moving through the crowded bar. As you did the tears slowly fell. The thought of what could have happened scared you and all you wanted was Chris.

"Y/N? You there?"

"I'm here." you cleared your throat, sniffling as you came to the exit. You walked out onto the street the cool air hitting you as you stepped out. "I, hmm... I'm sorry-" you covered your mouth as a sob broke through your chest. You walked away from the club so it was bit more quiet so you could hear Chris.

"Y/N? You crying? What's wrong?"

"I, need you. Please." you almost begged as you slumped against the wall and slid down it. "Please... I need you..."

"I'm almost there, sweetheart. Where are you?"

"Outside. I'm sorry. I had to-" you sobbed again.

"Okay. I'm pulling up now. I'll find you, sweetheart. Just stay, where you are."

You pulled your knees up to your chest as you cried into your hands, not caring about the looks off the onlookers. All you cared about was Chris was coming for you. You don't know how long you were you sat there before the sound of fast approaching feet caught your attention.

"Y/N!" you looked up and saw Chris running towards you, worry etched into his face. You slowly pushed yourself up from the floor as he ran towards you. "Sweetheart-" he pulled you into his arms as soon as he reached you.

You were thankful to be able to wrap your arms around him, he was like a lifeline for you. You clung to him as fresh tears began to fall. "Baby, talk to me. What happened?" he asked, his hand cradling the back of your hand.

"He, he tried to-" you gulped shaking your head. "I don't know, I think, he was- he-"

"Shhh, I've got you, sweetheart. I've got you." Chris pressed a kiss to the top of your head, squeezing you tighter against him. "I've got you."

It was all a blur after. Chris insisted you went back to his, he didn't like the idea of you being on your after what had happened (although he didn't really know what had happened). Once you were safely at Chris he gave you some clothes to change into and let you have his bed for the night. Usually you'd argue that the sofa was fine but you were drained and the moment you laid down you were out.

Chris stood at the door watching you sleep. A feeling he'd never really felt filled him; perhaps it was worry or awkwardness. Maybe it was something completely different, he wouldn't know until the morning.

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