Part 8

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You and Chris spent a few days together talking things over; expectations, limits, likes, responsibilities and a few other things as well as a contract (Chris was still a businessman). The contract was the most important thing of all. Chris had it put together and sent to you whilst he was off on a business trip for the weekend. You had until Monday morning to read it, sign it and give it to him when and if you were hundred percent certain being in a Sugar-relationship with Chris was what you wanted, and it was.

You stepped out of the elevator on Chris' floor and headed towards his office door, giving the empty desk outside a quick glance. Still no assistant. With a soft sigh you knocked on the wooden door, entering when you heard a muffled 'come in' from Chris.

Chris looked up from the paperwork on his desk that had been causing him to frown all morning and instantly began grinning when he saw you enter his office. "Hey, doll, I was wondering when I'd be seeing you." Chris spoke as he stood and rounded his desk. As soon as he was close enough he pulled you close, wrapping his arms around your waist as he planted a kiss on your cheek.

You smiled into the crook of his neck as you wrapped your arms around him. "I would have been here earlier only I was up late last night reading so I let myself have a slight lay in." you admitted, blushing as Chris smiled at you. "Are you busy?" you asked, glancing over his shoulder.

He shook his head as he stepped back. "I've got a meeting in five with a potential assistant then I'm free. Want to get lunch?" he asked resting against his desk.

You nodded smiling. "Better had, or you won't eat today, will you?" you asked with a knowing smile. Chris nodded, rolling his eyes making you grin a little more. "How was your trip?" you asked.

Chris shrugged as he pushed himself from his desk. "Boring." he answered as he walked back round to his chair and sat down. "So, did you sign it?" he asked, his hand running over his beard.

You nodded smirking at him. "Straight to it, eh?" you asked as you reached into your handbag and pulled out the contract. You held it out towards him over the desk but Chris just shook his head, smirking slightly as he held his hand out to his side, his elbow resting on the chair arm. You rolled your eyes and walked round the side of his desk, placing the contract into his hand.

Chris simply threw the contract onto his paperwork covered desk without a care, reaching out for your hand and pulled you down onto his lap. You let out a small shriek that turned into a giggle before Chris crashed his lips against yours. His left hand cupped the back of your head as your hands cupped his face, holding him closer to you as you opened your mouth, letting him slip his tongue in and deepen your kiss.

A short knock on the door startled you before it opened. "Hey, man-" Anthony stopped in the doorway as he saw you jump up from your compromising position along with Chris. "Oh, sorry-"

"You're suppose to wait for an answer, before entering, Mackie." Chris sighed deeply as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to smooth down where your fingers had been running through it. "Give me a minute, will ya'." Anthony nodded and quickly stepped back out, shutting the door. Chris quickly pulled you back towards him and pressed a brief kiss to your lips, making you giggle and blush. "I'll be about half an hour, will you wait, then I'll take you to lunch?"

You nodded grinning. "Sure. I'll go wait across the street. Shall I come back here for when you're done?" Chris nodded with a smile which you returned before pecking him on the cheek. "Good luck with the interview." you waved your hand as you left his office.

As you stepped out you noticed a rather beautiful looking woman with short brown hair sat in a chair looking all kinds of professional in her grey pencil skirt and expensive looking heels. You quickly looked away from her and turned towards the elevator, pushing down those feelings of self doubt.

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