Part 22

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The soft hum of the radio was the only sound in the car as Chris drove the pair of you to your destination. Boston. You chewed at your bottom lip nervously as you stared out of the passenger window. You could have killed Chris when he told you not even a week ago about his sister's wedding.

"I was worried,"  He had sighed as the pair of you sat in his bed, "I thought... I dunno, it's too soon."

You shook your head with a slight smile, "Sweetheart, if you want me there, I'll be there," You moved closer to him, pushing yourself up onto your knees so you could wrap your arms around his shoulders.

Chris nodded, "Will you be my plus one?"

"Baby girl," Chris placed his hand on your knee, stopping your nervous fidgeting. "Relax, please, you're making me nervous." He let out a soft chuckle making you blush.

You let out a soft sigh, "Sorry,"

Chris smiled, "It's fine. I know you're nervous, so am I." He glanced your way, "But like you've said countless times to me, it's going to be fun." He gave your knee a reassuring squeeze before he turned back to the road.

You nodded, "I know, I know," You breathed in deeply, trying your best to calm your nerves, "But, I just want to make a good impression. I mean, they're you're family, and it's your sister's wedding. I don't want to be known as 'Chris's girlfriend who embarrassed herself at the wedding'," You let out a small huff before you pouted and folded your arms across your chest making Chris grin.

"Baby girl," He let out a small chuckle, squeezing a little further up your thigh, "Trust me, meeting this lot is going to be a breeze. Ma will probably hug you a lot, and Scott will make jokes and my sisters will, well, they'll probably be a little protective at first but then they'll see how great you are and they'll take your side and help, bully me," Chris smiled as he thought about his family. He really was nervous about you meeting them but he was also excited.


You stood in front of the white wooden door beside Chris, snuggling into his side as the cold wind blowing around you make you shiver. How was it -2 in March?

"Ready, baby?" Chris whispered as he reached out and took a hold of the doorknob.

You nodded, "Yes," You shivered, snuggling closer to him as you tried to warm up.

Chris pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before he twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. "Hello? Ma? We're here!" He called out as he guided you into the warm and welcoming Boston home, shutting the door behind him.

There was a soft pitter-patter of feet before a smiling older woman walked around the corner. "Oh, my baby," She held her arms out and pulled Chris into a big hug which he was more than happy to return.

You watched the pair of them, smiling as Chris didn't let the obvious height difference between him and his mother stop him from hugging her. "Hi, Ma. Hahwahya?" He asked, holding her tight in his arms as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"Hi, honey, I'm good. Hahwahya?" His mother asked as she stepped back, looking up at him as she reached up and cupped his bearded face.

Chris nodded with a soft smile, "I'm good," He looked from his mother to you, grinning. "I'm great, actually." He whispered as he reached up and placed his hand on your shoulder, staring at you for a short moment before he cleared his throat. "Ma, I'd like to introduce you to, Y/N," He smiled lovingly at you making you blush and lower your face. "My girlfriend."

Chris's mother stayed silent as she watched the two of you, smiling softly to herself as she did. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N,"

You nodded still blushing, "And you, Mrs. Evans-"

"Lisa, please,"

Your eyes widened a little, "O-Oh, if, if you're sure..."

"I'm certain," She smiled and stepped forwards, also pulling you into a hug.

You smiled as you hugged her back, glancing up to Chris just in time to see him roll his eyes.

"Now, let's get this coat auf you and warmed up, shall we?" Lisa reached up and cupped your face in her warm hands, smiling as you made a pleased noise and nodded at her.

After Lisa very kindly made you a spuckie, which turned out to be a sandwhich filled with various meats and vegetables and was delicious, Chris took you upstairs to your room so the pair of you could have a shouwah (shower) and a nap before dinner. You hadn't realized how sleepy you actually were until you had laid down on the bed, snuggling into Chris's side.


"Hey, Ma," Chris let out a small yawn as he walked into the kitchen.

Lisa smiled as she looked up from the chopping board, "Oh, hi, honey. You guys sleep okay?"

Chris hummed. "I guess, that bed is a bit small to be sharing with Y/N," He chuckled.

"How so?" Lisa asked with a creased brow.

"Well, she's a wriggler, you know, never stays in one spot," He smiled to himself. "She'll, hmm, be down in a minute, just getting ready. So, she'll be like, an hour or something," He chuckled.

Lisa smiled as she watched her son beam, it had been a while to see him this happy. It had also been a while since she'd teased him so, "So?"

"So?" Chris shrugged.

"You're in love," Lisa smirked at him.

"Ma, c'mon," Chris let out a soft sigh as he blushed and moved over to the refrigerator.

"No, you c'mon, talk to me,"

Chris shook his head as he turned around holding a bottle of water, "Not about this,"

"Why not? You told me when you lost your virginity," She teased making Chris blush even more. "Okay, you don't have to talk to me, I just," Lisa let out a heavy sigh as she thought about to their argument they had the last time Chris was home, "I worry about you. You deserve to be happy and to be loved and, I can tell that Y/N does that."

Chris smiled warmly as he walked up to his mother, wrapping his arms around her, "She does, Ma,"

"Also, if you had just listened to me, it wouldn't have taken as long as it had-"

"Ma, stop," He chuckled, stepping back from her, "Okay, yes, you were right,"

Lisa gasped jokingly, "I'm going to faint," She put her hand on her forehead dramatically. "He finally admits it,"

Chris rolled his eyes, "Okay, shut up, would ya'," He smiled.

"Don't be so rude to your mother, Chris," You walked into the kitchen with a smile.

"I like her,"


The house was full of laughter as Chris's siblings and his mother shared stories from their childhood. When Lisa had mentioned that Chris's sisters and brother were going to be joining you for dinner, you were a little nervous, but from the moment they walked in and gave you a big hug, your nerves disappeared.

"So, Y/N, do you have any brothers or sisters?" Scott asked.

You shook your head, "No, just me,"

"Oh right, I guess you're close to your parents then?" Lisa smiled softly at you.

"Hmm," You shook your head again, "Not really. My, parents divorced when I was about eight and my mom, went off to God knows where and my father, well, we don't really get on but," You shrugged. "It doesn't matter though,"

Chris placed his hand on top of yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "His loss, baby," He smiled warmly at you making you blush. "So, Shanna," Chris looked over to his younger sister with a grin, "Excited about, Saturday?"

You watched Chris as he spoke with his sister about her upcoming wedding, smiling as you heard more and more of his Boston accent come through. You hadn't a clue what he was saying most of the time but you liked. He was happy heat and you liked Chris being happy. His family, made him happy.

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