Part 35

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He knew he was probably being overbearing, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to keep you safe and happy. Even when all you were doing was talking to Robert's and Anthony's wives, he kept a close eye on you. But you didn't seem to mind. Any time he slipped his arm around you, you would snuggle closer.

"I'm glad you're back," Sebastian smiled at his friend.

Chris nodded as he tore his eyes away from you and smiled at Sebastian and Anthony. "Me too,"

"How are you guys doing, being back at work?" Anthony asked, looking over to where you were.

The two of you had been back to work almost two months now, and at first, it was a little hard since everyone you knew continually asked if you were okay. They treated you as if you were wrapped in bubble wrap, and it got a little annoying after a while. But eventually, after you had told them they could relax and you were fine, things sort of got back to normal. You appreciated the love and care though, you really felt like you had a family now.

"Better." He sighed softly as he lifted his beer to his lips, "We needed to get back, you know." He smiled at his friends before he turned to look back at you. "It's done us good."

Sebastian smiled as he turned to look at you, noticing the lack of ring on your finger. He cleared his throat and turned to Anthony. "Go get us some drinks, man," Sebastian nodded over to where they were.

Anthony rolled his eyes muttering about Sebastian being a lazy ass as he wandered off.

Sebastian let out a soft sigh, turning to face Chris, "So, when are you planning on asking, Y/N?"

Chris let out a frustrated sigh as he played with the nearly empty bottle in his hand. "I was planning on doing just that when-" He cleared his throat, "Soon." He smiled, "If I've learnt anything from all this, it's we can get through anything together. I want her to be my-"

"Chris?" You appeared by his side startling both men, making yourself giggle.

Chris quickly cleared his throat, "Yeah, baby, what's wrong?" He asked as he slipped his arm around your shoulders and pressed a loving kiss to your forehead.

You shook your head, "Nothing, I just," You bit your lip as you ran your hand over his stomach, feelings his abs through the tight black shirt he was wearing. "I needed to talk to you real quick."

Chris nodded, "Okay," He quickly drank the rest of his beer and popped onto a nearby table before he took your hand excused himself, then the two of you made your way outside for some peace and quiet.

"I like it here," You smiled as you snuggled closer to Chris as the two of you stepped out the back door of Robert's home.

Chris pressed a kiss to the top of your head, "Me too." He smiled.

"It's peaceful." You looked up to him, "Much quieter than where we are."

"Don't you like our home, baby girl?"

You nodded with a soft hum, "I do, there's just something about it here, being out of the city that, I dunno," You shrugged, "Feels right, when you have kids." You looked down at your feet.

Chris nodded, "I know what you mean. It feels, safe." He smiled as he glanced over at the kids toys that littered the back yard around the swing set. "Although, it's hard to think a few years ago before Robert had kids, he lived like how we do. His apartment was even more lavish than mine." He chuckled thinking back to the batcherlor pad. "Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

You shook your head, taking a hold of Chris's hand as you began to slowly lead him over to where the shadows were. "No. I wanted to say that," You pushed him against the side of the house as you ran your hand under the hem of his shirt and ran your fingertips over his abs. "If I were wearing panties, they would be soaking," You whispered playfully as you pushed yourself up on your tips toes.

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