Part 4

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"It's nice to finally see you enjoying yourself, Chris." Robert smiled, almost, at Chris.

Chris nodded clearing his throat. "Yeah, well, you kinda gave me no choice this time." Chris smirked. You raised your eyebrow as you looked up to him. He never mentioned anything, then again, why would he? "Hmm... Why, don't you go get another drink, Y/N. I'm sure you'd rather do anything else than listen to us talk about business." Chris smiled softly down at you.

You creased your brow slightly as you looked at him. "Why? You think I'm not smart enough to understand anything you say?" you challenged him.

Chris stood a bit taller, clearing his throat. "I'm just-"

"I'm joking." you broke out into a smirk. "Why would I want to talk about a business deal closure and merging with one of the biggest profit making companies in Tokyo that will garente you a 3.5billion dollar profit within the first three years..." you shrugged as you turned away from the two men grinning to yourself.

Did they really think you didn't know who Robert Downey Jr was? He was one of the most famous people in the world. He came into the business world late, got caught up in drugs and gambling, pissed his life away when he was you get until he became a dad and he changed his life around drastically. Now he owned Downey Industries; a place that has its fingers in many, many pies. You've written and read many pieces on the man and the people for school.

Chris shook his head as he tore his eyes away from you, a smirk starting to form on his lips. "I'm sorry about-" Chris creased his brow as he looked at Robert, who was grinning like a mad man at him. "What?"

"I like her. She's... Different." he smiled glancing over to you. "Why is she different?" he frowned looking back to Chris.

He shrugged shaking his head. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I thought you didn't do, relationships? Purely business." he asked making Chris roll his eyes. "I thought you were into the whole, paying for attention, shit?"

Chris rolled his eyes again. "You make it sound creepy... But, that's what this is... Purely business." Chris sighed with a shrug.

Robert watched him for a moment. Quickly hiding the smirk as he saw you glance over your shoulder and look at Chris with a look that wasn't 'purely business'. "Really? That's all? So why do I see something different in your eyes when you look at her? And, since when, did smart girls intrest you?" Robert raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

Chris creased his brow. "I've dated smart g-" he sighed looking down. "She's, definitely different..." he smiled softly lowering his gaze.

Robert smirked. "There's that look again, kid." he chuckled as he slapped his hand on Chris' shoulder as he walked passed and headed over to you. The sea of people splitting to let their boss pass through. "Y/N-" Robert smiled as he came to your side at the bar.

You turned to look at Robert, blushing as you saw he was stood right next to you. "Yes, Mr Downey?" you smiled softly at him.

"Please, call me Robert." he smiled warmly at you. Chris' eyebrows almost flew off when he saw the transaction between the pair of you. He wasn't used to Robert smiling and being... Warm? He was a nice man but never, so willing, in the first meeting. "I wanted to ask you something." he carried on. "How do you know so much about what my company is working through at the moment?"

You raised your eyebrow at him, utterly confused by his question. "Why do you want to know?" you asked.

"You intrigue me." he shrugged.

You shook your head slighty. "I don't understand what you mean. I intreage you?" you frowned.

Robert sighed shaking his head. "And here's me thinking you were smart." he teased you making you blush.

"Of course I know what it means but... Mr Do- hmm, Robert, why would I intrigue you? I'm nothing special." you shrugged.

Robert glanced over to where Chris stood behind you, smiling a little more. "The fact that you don't think yourself as special, is what makes you special, kid..." he smiled. "So, how'd you know?"

You bit your lip trying to hold back your smile. "I read it in The New York Times."

Robert began grinning. "See, she's smart." Robert smacked his hand against Chris' shoulder.

He rolled his eyes, moving round to your other side. You shook your head giggling. "I'm smart because I read The New York Times?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.

Robert shook his head. "Because you read." he smiled. "How old are you? 23? 24?"

Chris shook his head sighing deeply. "Unbelievable." you giggled again looking up to him, liking this side of Chris.

You came to a stop outside your apartment door and turned to face Chris. As soon your eyes met you looked down to the floor, blushing with embarrassment because Chris had caught your eye.

"Hmm..." he cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his head. "So, I had a nice time tonight... A really, nice time actually, thank you." Chris smiled as he looked up to you.

You nodded smiling at him. "Me too." a silence settled between the two of you as you looked at each other, smiling. "Hmm... Thank you, for walking me back to my place, although you didn't have to. I'm sure you have more important things to do."

Chris frowned shaking his head. "Making sure you're safe is important, Y/N. Besides, what sort of man would I bet if I just left you and didn't make sure you were home safe and sound?" Chris smiled softly at you making you blush once more. That was true but he didn't like the area you lived in, the moment he stepped out of the car earlier to pick you up he had a feeling. For some reason he didn't like the idea of this being your home. The thought ymof you having to walk these streets alone and at night, scared him.

"Hmm... Thank you." you whispered turning to open your door. "I guess this is, good night."

Chris nodded taking a deep breath. "I guess so."

You nodded as you wrapped your hand around the doorknob. "Thank you, again." you smiled softly as you pushed the door open, waving your hand slightly as you entered.

"Goodnight, Y/N." Chris smiled as he stepped back.

"Goodnight." you sighed as you shut the door, resting your forehead on it as you turned the lock.

Ah shit...

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