Part 20

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Let's have dinner.

Three words you dreaded coming from your father. His disappointment was sure to lace the hours you spent in his company, as well as belittling, disapproval and self-loathing.

"What sort of dress will I need?" You asked with an excited grin. You and Chris were walking back to his office from another meeting, discussing the upcoming party you were to attend.

Chris grinned down at you, "Well, it's a gala charity dinner, what sort of dress do you wear to one of them?"

You shrugged glancing up at him, "I haven't a clue, that's why I'm asking." You nudged your shoulder with him, grinning.

Chris chuckled, slipping his arm around your waist. "I don't usually wear, a dress," He winked, "But, I'm sure if we put our heads together, the two of us can find you the perfect... sexy, little number," He grinned down at you, making you blush. "Something... red, maybe? I bet you look sexy as hell, in red," Chris whispered in your ear.

"Chris, stop it," You giggled, pushing him back. You looked up almost stopping dead in your tracks as your eyes landed on someone you hadn't expected to find sat at your desk. "D-Dad?"

"What?" Chris frowned, lifting his head meeting your father's already disappointed gaze. "Oh," He stood up straight.

"You're late," Your father sighed as he pushed himself up from your desk chair.

Your eyes widened as you lifted your wrist to look at your watch, yep, late. "Oh, shit, dad, I'm sorry-"

"Langue, Y/N, and no point apologizing, we can't do anything now, can we?" He sighed. You shook your head slowly. Your father looked between you and Chris before clearing his throat. "You can't be much of a receptionist if you can't keep track of time, can you?" He let out something similar to a laugh before he held his hand out to Chris. "Y/F/N, Y/L/N," 

Chris nodded slowly, trying his best to hide his scowl as he shook your father's hand. "Chris Evans, sir, a pleasure to meet you,"

"I'm sorry, dad, really I am, things are just hectic right now, and I completely lost track of the time," You let out a small sigh as you run your hand through your hair. "You didn't have to come all the way here, though,"

"I did send you multiple text messages and tried to call you but, it seems you had far more important things to attend to than answer," He sighed.

You shook your head, "I didn't, hmm, have my cell-"

"And you called yourself a receptionist," He laughed, or something similar to it. "We'll just have to reschedule for tomorrow night, now that we've missed our reservation, I doubt we'll get anything this late on a Friday night."

Chris shook his head as he pulled his cell out, "Leave it with, Mr. Y/L/N, I'll get you a table at my friend's restaurant, no problem," Chris smiled down at you before walking into his office.

You smiled as you watched after him, admiring his ass.

"I spoke with Elizabeth,"


You felt sick, 'eating' dinner with your father and Chris. Your father had insisted on Chris joining you for dinner, you weren't quite sure why since he hadn't said anything else about speaking with Elizabeth. Did he know? Had she told him everything or had she mentioned nothing about your relationship with Chris?

"I have to say, Chris, I was very surprised to hear Y/N was given a job working for you." Your father said.

Chris scowled a little, "How so? She's more than capable to do the job, perfect even, more than perfect," Chris chuckled glancing at you.

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